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File metadata and controls

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There are different ways to call the or dialogflow . But for this demo , we will be using one of the method to define a custom webhook to call the dialogflow with a response from our Express Server .

Here's the documentation :


🔥 Express 🚀 Serveo

First create a Express server on index.js

const express= require('express');
const app =  express();

const PORT = process.env.PORT  || 3000;
const serveoPORT  = "<<Put_your_serveo_url>>";
app.listen(PORT  ,() =>  {
    console.log(`The ngrok server is  ${serveoPORT} \n express server is listening on ${PORT}`)

Then create a single POST route for the webhook on routes.js and include it in index.js (look above 🤘 )

Use **node_fetch** for making async request to third party library to get some data

const fetch = require('node-fetch');
module.exports = (app) => {'/moviebot/get-movie-details', (req, res) => {
                        .then( data => {
                              "fulfillmentText": data,
                              "source": "get-top-rated-movies"
                       }).catch(error => console.log(error.message));

Here the response key I am sending is predefined by the dialogflow fulfillment API

          "fulfillmentText": data,
          "source": "get-top-rated-movies"

It does have other key value pair too for sending Rich text messages into the Dialgflow api Here's the Different type of Response you can send through your res.json() call :

🚀 DialogFlow Docs Look upon the v2 API.

Next step, is to install serveo:
🎉 Serveo


Serveo is an SSH server just for remote port forwarding. When a user connects to Serveo, they get a public URL that they can use to connect to their localhost server , in this case it's our local Express Server , to tunnel all the public request to Severo URL from dialogflow fulfillment endpoint. We will mention the Public URL in Dialogflow as our endpoint flows control to ---> Express server running.


ssh -R 80:localhost:3000

That's it . You have completely set up your nodejs webhook . Good luck Exploring , Thanks.