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342 lines (249 loc) · 16.4 KB

Arch Up

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repo size status: refactoring

Setup Arch Linux quickly after installing, with a bunch of useful daily programs. On how to install Arch Linux, please see


Getting started

Install the programs

After installing Arch Linux (often I do this by a USB boot), you'll be able to log in a terminal to install more programs. Typically you'll login in first as root, but it's recommended to create a new user and use that account to do more things.

useradd -m -G wheel <yourname>
passwd <yourname>
# find wheel group and allow it to execute any command

Exit and re-login use this new acconut, and continue to install more programs.

sudo pacman -S git
git clone
cd arch-up/src && bash

Graphical interface

The above command will install all the programs in (see the explanatinos in the next section). After that you may jump to and install programs inside it.

Write this in your ~/.xinitrc which will let xorg start with bspwm, running in graphical interface will prevent the problem of wrongly displaying CJK characters. Afterwards, use startx to get into graphical interface.

exec bspwm


I recommend use Clash for proxies (in case you are in an area where internet is confined). Refer to the documents, and use the command:

export url='' && wget -q --no-check-certificate -O /tmp/ $url/  && bash /tmp/ && source /etc/profile &> /dev/null

Follow the install scripts' directions and you should be able to fully install the clash proxy.

Explanation of

System tools

software name explanation
network-manager-applet gui for networks, this is handy at times
man gui for networks, this is handy at times
base-devel development essentials

GUI setup

pacman -S xorg xorg-xinit
pacman -S compton redshift sxhkd xwallpaper bspwm dunst

This 2 lines setup GUI for you, I use bspwm.

software name explanation
xorg the X server
xorg-setxkbmap the setxkbmap utility
bspwm bspwm windows manager
xwallpaper for wallpaper
compton for transparent windows
redshift warmer screen to protect your eyes
sxhkd the universal shortcut manager that bspwm replies on
dunst GUI notification service
xdotool X11 automation tools

Developement essentials

software name explanation
neovim the new-vim
git version control
tmux terminal multiplexer (multiple windows)
zsh the zsh shell
openssh ssh
zip, unzip, unrar, p7zip compress tool
mlocate for locate
cronie crontab service
gparted GUI disc manager
networkmanager network management
bluez, bluez-utils, blueberry bluetooth management
xsel for paste to system to work in neovim
ntfs-3g for the ntfs filesystem

Programming languages

software name explanation
python-pip pip python package manager
gopls golang
nodejs JavaScript Runtime
clang a LLVM based compiler
yarn JavaScript package manager
cmake c package manager

Handy tools

software name explanation
fzf fuzzy file finder, good for finding files
mpv video viewer
sxiv image viewer
pandoc universal file format converter
pdftk manipulate pdf
alsa-utils manage sounds
lazygit git TUI
alacritty alacritty the terminal emulator
zathura-pdf-mupdf, zathura-djvu, zathura-ps the zathura file viewer
newsboat terminal rss
light control brightness
rofi open programs easily
tokei code line count
khal, vdirsyncer terminal calendar and syncer
cgdb gdb with TUI
xxd for hex editor
bat rust cat clone
htop system monitoring
powertop battery monitoring
pulseaudio audio control
pueue run process in parallel easily
flameshot screen shot with ease
ripgrep code search with ease
libreoffice substitution for microsoft office
tree show directory tree
ncdu disk management
github cli github in command line

CJK related

software name explanation
ibus-rime the rime input method editor
polipo you'll need proxy to work in China


software name explanation

For fun

software name explanation
krita for drawing
inkscape for drawing
gimp for ps
digikam photo management
xf86-input-wacom wacom utilities
mpd music player daemon

The hacker toolkit

software name explanation
iperf3 network bandwidth measument
aircrack-ng Key cracker for the 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK protocols

Set up things manually

As said before, due to the nature of configurations you'll have to set up a few things manually


Follow the instructions of yay, you may need export GOPROXY="" to help golang download packages in China. yay is very important as it saves you tons of time for installing programs from AUR.

pacman -S --needed git base-devel
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si
software name brif intro explanations
google-chrome-stable the Chrome browser opnions vary when it comes to choosing a browser, though google is not fully open sourced it is still arguablely one of the best browers
polybar the bar for bspwm typically you need extra stuffs for a window manager, to get something similar to MacOS, polybar is a good option for the top bar
lf terminal file browser a terminal file explorer written in golang, it is fast
typora-free typora markdown editor typora starts charging from December 2021, if you want to use free typora try this which is a beta version
delta terminal code diff a diff tool better than the plain, there are a bunch more tools like this and you might find your own favourite
nerd-fonts-complete nerd fonts

Now go back to src/ and install more tools.

More configurations


TeX Live: I use LaTeX a lot and would typicall install it upon booting, but TeX is too big, and you might not need it, so I put it here only for your reference

Natural Scrolling

natural scrolling for Linux, edit file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf

Section "InputClass"
	Identifier "touchpad"
	Driver "libinput"
	MatchIsTouchpad "on"
	Option "Tapping" "on"
	Option "NaturalScrolling" "true"
  Option "ClickMethod" "clickfinger"

Default applications

We'll use xdg-open as the example, find applications in /usr/share/applications and you see things like lf.desktop.

Edit the ~/.config/mimeapps.list and write things like:


where the left side is the type for the files and the right side is the application's name. You can get types of files by xdg-mime query filetype <file>.

Detect dual systems

Sometimes the dual system (like Windows) will not be detected by grub when you are installing Arch Linux and forget to temporarily mount it, you can fix this latter. EDit /etc/default/grub and add/uncomment the line


Then run grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg, this problem should be fixed.

Now head to Configurations and install personal configs.


Using Arch Linux is an enjoyable experience, you can customize it to your needs; installing Arch is not.

This repo is an opinioned repo for installing basic and advanced tools after you successfully install Arch and boot into it.

This repo containes a shell script to set up arch configurations after installing, this will contain lots of common tools that will give you a better development experince. Due to the nature of all the open-sourced tools, their way of configurations may vary from time to time, and some of them will have to be set up manually for this very moment, I will explain them one by one below.

This repo is related to my Configurations and wallpapers.


Any suggestion or question is welcomed, start a issue now, or make a PR.

You can also contact me through email ahacad AT 126 DOT com.

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