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GoldenDict tools

A set of helpful programs to enhance goldendict for immersion learning.

Table of Contents


First, install goldendict-ng.

Pacman-based distros

Install gd-tools-git from the AUR.

Other distros

If you want to package gd-tools for your distro and know how to do it, please create a pull request.

Manual installation

This way is not recommended because it's easy to make a mistake during the process and end up with a broken install.

  1. To build the gd-tools you need to install xmake and gcc (13.1 and newer).

  2. Install mecab (mecab-git from the AUR).

  3. Run ./

    Note: You can run ./ --local to install the program locally (to ~/.local/ ).


Open GoldenDict, press "Edit" > "Dictionaries" > "Programs" and add the installed executables. Set type to html. Command Line: <name of script> --word %GDWORD% --sentence %GDSEARCH%. Optionally add arguments, such as: gd-mecab --word %GDWORD% --sentence %GDSEARCH% --user-dict <path> --font-size 20px. These programs are treated as dictionaries and you can add them under "Dictionaries" or "Groups".


This script outputs the sentence with clickable characters and searches for the longest available dictionary entry (from a predefined list) beginning at that character. For deinflection it currently relies on rdricpp. It also provides links of available entries of smaller substrings.



gd-marisa --word %GDWORD% --sentence %GDSEARCH% --path-to-dic [PATH_TO_DIC_FILE]

The path to the .dic is an optional argument and defaults to /usr/share/gd-tools/marisa_words.dic


marisa-trie. The official Arch Linux package is called marisa, but it's already a dependency of goldendict.

Building an own index from a set of words

If you would like to make changes to found words, you can also create an own index from a newline-separated list of words (here called keyset.txt):

marisa-build < keyset.txt > keyset.dic

More information at


This script passes a sentence through mecab in order to make every part of the sentence clickable.



This script requires MeCab and the IPA dictionary to be installed. If you are on an Arch Linux system you can simply install the AUR package mecab-ipa to obtain both.

Command format

Add this script to GoldenDict under "Dictionaries" > "Programs" (format HTML), like this:

gd-mecab --word %GDWORD% --sentence %GDSEARCH%

Optional arguments

  • --font-size SIZE the font size to be used, e.g. 30px.
  • --user-dict FILE full path to the user_dic.dic file. This is done automatically if you install via make.


This script shows the top 5 pictures from Bing images for the given search string.


gd-images --word %GDWORD%


This script shows the search string in the KanjiStrokeOrders font.

gd-strokeorder --word %GDWORD%


Font source:


  • --max-len 5 maximum size of the input string.
  • --font-size 10rem font size. It has to be large in order to see the stroke numbers.

How to call:

gd-strokeorder --word %GDWORD%


This script displays the handwritten form of each character

gd-handwritten --word %GDWORD% --font-size 4rem


Font source: ArmedLemon.

How to call:

gd-handwritten --word %GDWORD%


This script shows example sentences from

gd-massif --word %GDWORD%



This script searches Anki cards in your collection that contain %GDWORD%.



  • --field-name NAME optional field to limit search to.
  • --deck-name NAME optional deck to limit search to.
  • --show-fields VocabKanji,SentKanji optional comma-separated list of fields to show.

Example invocation:

gd-ankisearch --field-name VocabKanji --show-fields VocabKanji,SentKanji,Image,SentAudio --word %GDWORD%



gd-translate --sentence %GDSEARCH%
gd-translate --spoiler yes --to fr --sentence %GDSEARCH%


This script requires Argos Translate and the JA -> target language package to be installed.

pipx install argostranslate
argospm install translate-ja_en

argos-translate -f ja --t en "Hello World!"

If you can't install argostranslate due to an error, try an older version of python.

pipx install --python /usr/bin/python3.9 argostranslate


This script passes a sentence through mecab in order to make every part of the sentence clickable. It also automatically converts the sentence to traditional characters.


To use gd-mandarin, you need to install gd-tools by running ./ --mandarin.