#Kata: Income Tax Calculator
The United States Income Tax is a Progressive Tax, broken into brackets by the amount of yearly household income.
The 2013 tax owed for a person filing as Single is:
Amount Earned | Percentage Owed |
under $8295 | 10% |
under $36,250 | 15% |
under $87,850 | 25% |
under $87850 | 28% |
under $183,250 | 30% |
under $398,350 | 33% |
under $400,000 | 35% |
over $400,001 | 39.6% |
The tax is progressive, in that only the portion of income that falls into a certain bracket is only taxed at that bracket's rate.
For example, a person making $10,000
per year would be taxed at 10%
for every dollar in the lowest bracket ($829.50
), the remaining $1,705
taxed at 15%
), for a total tax of $1,085.25
Tax is only owed in whole dollar amounts. The final result should round to the nearest whole dollar. (Round down for 0.01-0.49, and up 0.50 to 0.99).