On most SPA (Single Page Application), there are many internal pages (or views). It means the application loads once and content can change: passing from a list to an item for example. To allow user share those views one bind each view to a specific URL.
WebUi includes a QueryRouter which uses the query string ?key=value&...
of the URL bar and respond to it by modifying model.
Main properties of router:
- params: an object representing the keys/values
- go(url, replaceHistory, silentEvent): a method to change current URL
- handleLinkEvent(e): blocks refreshing application and let router handle new route
import {Observable, QueryRouter} from '/js/src/index.js';
export default class Model extends Observable {
constructor() {
// Setup router
this.router = new QueryRouter();
this.handleLocationChange(); // Init first page
* Delegates sub-model actions depending new location of the page
handleLocationChange() {
switch (this.router.params.page) {
case 'list':
// call some ajax to load list
case 'item':
// call some ajax to load item this.router.params.id
// default route, replace the current one not handled
this.router.go('?page=list', true);
import {h, switchCase} from '/js/src/index.js';
export default (model) => h('div', [
const content = (model) => h('div', [
switchCase(model.router.params.page, {
list: () => h('p', 'print list'),
item: () => h('p', `print item ${model.router.params.id}`),
const menu = (model) => h('ul', [
h('li', h('a', {onclick: (e) => model.router.handleLinkEvent(e), href: '?page=list'}, 'List')),
h('li', h('a', {onclick: (e) => model.router.handleLinkEvent(e), href: '?page=item&id=1'}, 'Item 1')),
h('li', h('a', {onclick: (e) => model.router.handleLinkEvent(e), href: '?page=item&id=2'}, 'Item 2')),
h('li', h('a', {onclick: (e) => model.router.handleLinkEvent(e), href: '?page=item&id=3'}, 'Item 3')),