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81 lines (67 loc) · 3.34 KB

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81 lines (67 loc) · 3.34 KB
Debug Release
gcc Build1 Build2
clang Build3 Build4

Impala 2


git clone --recurse-submodules
cd impala2
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

If you are a developer, you might want to use this:

git config --global url.ssh://

This will use SSH instead of HTTPS and will grant you push access for the submodules if applicable.


p = _p [":" e];                                      (* pattern with optional type *)
pt = _p ":" e | e;                                   (* pattern with mandatory type *)
_p = ID | tp;                                        (* pattern base *)
tp = "(" p "," ... "," p ")";                        (* tuple pattern *)

(* expressions *)
e = ID
  | "[" pt "," ... "," pt "]"                        (* sigma *)
  | "(" [ID "="] e "," ... "," [ID "="] e")" [":" e] (* tuple *)
  | "." ID                                           (* field  *)
  | "ar" "[" pt "," ... "," pt ";" e "]"             (* variadic *)
  | "pk" "(" pt "," ... "," pt ";" e ")"             (* pack *)
  | "\/" pt "->" e                                   (* abstraction type *)
  | "Fn" pt "->" e                                   (* function type *)
  | "Cn" e                                           (* continuation type *)
  | "\" tp ["->" e] e                                (* abstraction *)
  | "fn" A tp ["->" e] e                             (* function *)
  | "cn" A tp e                                      (* continuation *)
  | e "(" e ")"                                      (* cps application *)
  | e "[" e "]"                                      (* ds application *)
  | "if" e B ["else" B]                              (* if *)
  | "match" e "{" p "=>" e "," ... "," p "=>" e "}"  (* match *)
  | "while" e B                                      (* while *)
  | "for" p "in" e                                   (* for *)
  | B                                                (* block *)

A = "[" p "," ... "," p "]" | (*nothing*);           (* optional inline abstraction *)

B = "{" s ... s [ e ] "}";                           (* block expression *)

(* statement *)
s = e ";"                                            (* expression statement *)
  | "let" p "=" e ";"                                (* let statement *)
  | i                                                (* item statement *)

(* items *)
i = "fn" ID A tp ["->" e] e                          (* function item *)
  | "cn" ID A tp e                                   (* continuation item *)

Tips using git Submodules

This will automatically checkout the proper commit of all submodules when switching branches via git checkout my_branch:

git config --global submodule.recurse true