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Animonculory Visual Overhaul


Wabbajack Modlist Installer by The Animonculory Team

Modlist Download: Releases

Modlist Support: The Animonculory Server





Animonculory Visual Overhaul (AVO) is designed as a base for your own modlist. Featuring graphical enhancements, mandatory bug fixes and tweaks and method patching, it is the perfect base to build upon. AVO is made for Skyrim Special Edition Version 1.6.353 (also known as Anniversary Edition) and uses the .exe of that version as well. It uses Weathers for ENB by default however can support whichever weather mod you wish to use.

The full modlist can be viewed here and a selection of screenshots can be viewed here.

NOTE: AVO DOES NOT require the paid update to Skyrim. It is compatible with it, but does not require it.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

System Requirements

AVO is aimed at mid-tier machines so a system similar to the following is advised:


  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 or Intel equivalent
  • RAM: 16GB DDR4
  • Drive: SSD
  • GPU: 6GB GPU such as 1660TI or 5600XT (4GB GPU may be able to run it, but 6GB stongly recommended)


  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800x or Intel Equivalent
  • RAM: 32GB DDR4 (16GB may run it, but 32GB strongly recommended)
  • Drive: NVME SSD
  • 8GB GPU such as RTX 3070 or AMD Equivalent

Space required: Approx 100GB (Downloads included)


Installing AVO is relatively easy and, if you have Nexus Premium, will be a simple waiting game. If you are updating the modlist, you can safely skip to the updating section.


Prior to installing AVO, please complete the following steps.

  1. Install Visual C++ x64 & .Net Runtime v5 desktop x64.
  2. Change Skyrim so it does not automatically update.
  3. Fully uninstall Skyrim by deleting the folder and the Skyrim Special edition folder inside \Documents\My Games.
  4. Reinstall Skyrim into a location that is not Program files. Somewhere like C:\Games is a good location.
  5. Start the game once and let it do the graphics check. Do not worry about the settings as it will be replaced during installation.
  6. You also need to start the games to the main menu in order to download all the creations.

Wabbajack Installation

Installing Wabbajack

Once you have completed pre-installation, download the latest version of Wabbajack and place it in a folder such as C:\Games\Wabbajack. Do not place it in program files, on your desktop or in your downloads folder. I recommend placing it on an SSD as it will work quicker on there.

Downloading and Installing AVO

Downloading and installing AVO can take a while depending on your internet connection and computer. To install AVO, complete the following steps.

  1. Open Wabbajack and click on browse modlists.
  2. Press the download button on AVO and wait for it to download.
  3. Set the installation folder to be somewhere like C:\Games\AVO. Do not install it to your desktop or downloads folder.
  4. The download location does not need to be on a SSD but it makes installing a bit faster
  5. Press the play button to begin.
  6. Go and pet your nearest fluffy animal whilst Wabbajack does its thing. Alternatively read through this readme again.
  7. If the installation is successful, jump for joy and move onto post installation. If the installation is unsuccessful, follow what is below.
Problems with installation

It is possible that you may encounter an error with Wabbajack when installing. Some common issues are listed below.

  • Could not download x:

    • Big files can fail to download due to connection issues. You can either run wabbajack again or download the file manually. If you decide to manually download it, make sure to place it in the same place as the other downloads.
  • x is not a whitelisted download:

    • This will happen when I update the modlist. Please check if there is a new update or wait until you see a release ping.
  • Wabbajack could not find my game folder:

  • Antivirus reports a virus:


Game Folder

AVO uses a Wabbajack feature called Stock Game to keep your Skyrim installation clean. All the files that you need to run the list are in a folder called “Game Root”. You don’t need to copy anything at all.


AVO is designed for use with an ENB and comes with Nordic Serenity ENB availiable for to use alongside an ENB manager. If you want to install your own ENB put them into a seperate folder in AVO\tools\Enb Manager\Animonculory Visual Overhaul\Presets.

Using ENB Manager

Head over to the installation folder and locate an executable named ModOrganizer.exe and launch it. Once it's launched, there will be a dropdown box on the top right and a big run button next to it. Run the program named Pick Your ENB from Mod Organizer 2.


If the image below comes up, simply press OK. It is nothing to be concerned about.


Navigate to the Presets menu by pressing the symbol in the top left (the three lines). The menu should look like this:


Activate the ENB you wish to use by pressing the slider. To deactivate it, simply press the slider.


For adding your own presets and more details, take a look at ENB Organizer for more information.

Playing the List

Starting up the list

Open the installation folder and double click on the program called ModOrganizer.exe.

Make sure the dropdown box on the right is set to SKSE and press the run button.

In-Game MCM options

AVO has no MCM options required, however you can load the SmoothCam preset if you wish.

  • This serves as a placeholder in case you want to use the Readme as some sort of template.

Starting the Game

Optional Extras

By default AVO comes with LUX and Water for ENB enabled along with generated lods. These can all be safely disabled should you wish to not use them, however you cannot run with lods activated but Water for ENB disabled. Any changes that you make to the landscape you will need to/should be regenerating lods and Synthesis.

Updating the modlist

Before updating, please check the changelog and back up your saves. You may need to start a new game after certain updates.

Updating is like installing the list. Simply make sure your paths are the same and tick the overwrite existing modlist button. Note: Any mods you have added will be deleted when updating.


Placehoder for your readme

Anniversary Edition

AVO supports the latest verison of Skyrim, but does not require the paid update. If you have the paid update and wish to use the new content, you will need to copy it into the Creation Club mod in Mod Organizer and resolve any conflicts that appear in xEdit. Note: This is something we do not support as it is an addition to the list.

Tweaking the Game Settings


To get some more FPS, tweak the following value in the detail section in BethINI.

  • Shadow Resolution: 2048
  • Ambient Occlusion: Either use this or the ENB version. The ENB version is more intensive. Do not have both turned on.
  • Remove Shadows: I really don’t recommend turning this on, but if you must then you can.

Removing the Modlist

Simply delete the folder and you have uninstalled it.

Credits and Thanks

  • YOU for reading this.
  • The Animonculory Dev Team for assisting with the testing and development.
  • Noggog for Mutagen.
  • Halgari and everyone the WJ Team - Wabbajack is awesome and so are you.


Whilst I am available primarily on my server, please check the issues tab on github first if you have any issues. DO NOT DM ME ON DISCORD.

You are welcome to contribute to the list, however please check the changelog before you do.