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66 lines (54 loc) · 6.11 KB

File metadata and controls

66 lines (54 loc) · 6.11 KB

apolline_logo_final-01 Build Status Quality Gate Status Codacy Badge


Android application for collecting air measurements.

Supported sensors:


screenshot_01 screenshot_02 screenshot_03


Libraries used

  • IOIO Android Library - The IOIO is a board that provides a host machine the capability of interfacing with external hardware over a variety of commonly used protocols.
  • Android Architecture Components View Model - Lifecycle aware view model.
  • RxJava - Asynchronous programming with observable streams.
  • Retrofit - HTTP client.
  • Android Priority Job Queue - Priority Job Queue is an implementation of a Job Queue specifically written for Android to easily schedule jobs (tasks) that run in the background, improving UX and application stability.
  • Kodein - Kotlin Dependency Injection.
  • Anko - Anko is a Kotlin library which makes Android application development faster and easier.
  • MPAndroidChart - MPAndroidChart is a powerful & easy to use chart library for Android. It runs on API level 8 and upwards.
  • Room - The Room persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow fluent database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite.
  • OpenCSV - General. opencsv is an easy-to-use CSV (comma-separated values) parser library for Java.
  • Android Reactive Location - Small library that wraps Google Play Services API in brilliant RxJava Observables reducing boilerplate to minimum.
  • GeoHash - Implementation of GeoHashes in java.
  • KPermissionsons - An Android library totally written in Kotlin that helps to request runtime permissions.
  • LeakCanary - A memory leak detection library for Android and Java.
  • CrashLytics - Crash reporting solution.
  • Firebase - Crash Reporting and performance solution.
  • FloatingActionButton - Yet another implementation of Floating Action Button for Android with lots of features.
  • Circle-Progress-View - An animated circle view.
  • Toasty - The usual Android Toast, but with steroids (Colors).
  • Gson - A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back.
  • Google Maps Android Heatmap Utility - The Google Maps Android API Utility Library includes a heatmap utility, which you can use to add one or more heatmaps to a Google map in your application.
  • Sonar-kotlin - Kotlin Sonarqube plugin (Unofficial)
  • Detekt - Kotlin static code analysis tool. It operates on the abstract syntax tree provided by the Kotlin compiler.
  • JaCoCo - JaCoCo is a free code coverage library for Java, which has been created by the EclEmma team based on the lessons learned from using and integration existing libraries for many years.
  • SeekBarPreference - SeekBarPreference is an android library to help using preference with SeekBar.
  • RxBluetooth - Android reactive bluetooth library. Basically, RxBluetooth is just wrapper around android BluetoothAdapter.
  • Android-CircleMenu - Simple implementation of a circle menu for Android applications.
  • Android Ripple Background - A beautiful ripple animation. Gives ability to easily change its color, speed of wave, one ripple or multiple ripples.
  • Fastlane - Fastlane is a tool for iOS and Android developers to automate tedious tasks like generating screenshots, dealing with provisioning profiles, and releasing your application.
  • GitFlow - Gitflow Workflow is a Git workflow design that was first published and made popular by Vincent Driessen at nvie.

Download (Unreleased)

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Alphabetical order of last names:

  • Moncef AOUDIA
  • Patrick BINCHTA
  • Aymane BOUZIANE
  • Cyril DELEGOVE
  • Guillaume Jean-Jaques SEM
  • Damien TOULOUSE