File tree
4,898 files changed
lines changed- .github
- actions
- checkout-submodules-and-bootstrap
- git-safe-directory
- workflows
- .vscode
- build
- chip
- esp32
- java
- toolchain
- config
- ameba/lib/pw_rpc
- bouffalolab/common/lib/pw_rpc
- efr32/lib/pw_rpc
- esp32
- components/chip
- lib/pw_rpc
- linux/lib/pw_rpc
- mbed/chip-gn/lib/pw_rpc
- nrfconnect
- chip-module
- nxp
- app
- chip-gn
- toolchain
- chip-module
- zephyr
- lib/pw_rpc
- qpg
- lib/pw_rpc
- toolchain
- standalone/toolchain
- telink/chip-module
- tizen/chip-gn/platform
- zephyr
- data_model
- clusters
- device_types
- docs
- ci-cd
- tools
- cluster_and_device_type_dev
- img
- examples
- getting_started
- img
- guides
- esp32
- images
- repl/.ipynb_checkpoints
- ti
- images
- testing
- examples
- air-purifier-app
- air-purifier-common
- include
- src
- ameba
- main
- cc32xx
- main
- linux
- air-quality-sensor-app
- air-quality-sensor-common
- include
- linux
- telink
- include
- src
- all-clusters-app
- all-clusters-common
- include
- src
- ameba
- main
- include
- asr
- src
- cc13x2x7_26x2x7
- main
- include
- cc13x4_26x4
- main
- include
- esp32
- main
- infineon/psoc6
- src
- linux
- include
- mbed
- nrfconnect
- boards
- main
- include
- nxp
- common/main
- mw320
- rt/rw61x
- openiotsdk
- telink
- include
- src
- tizen
- all-clusters-minimal-app
- all-clusters-common
- ameba
- main
- asr/src
- esp32/main
- infineon/psoc6/src
- nrfconnect
- main/include
- telink
- include
- android
- CHIPTest/app/src/main/cpp
- CHIPTool/app/src/main
- java/com/google/chip/chiptool
- clusterclient
- provisioning
- setuppayloadscanner
- res
- layout
- values
- bridge-app
- asr
- src
- subdevice
- bridge-common
- esp32
- main
- linux
- telink
- include
- src
- build_overrides
- chef
- ameba/main
- common
- clusters
- audio-output
- channel
- keypad-input
- low-power
- media-input
- media-playback
- wake-on-lan
- devices
- esp32/main
- linux
- include
- nrfconnect
- sample_app_util
- test_files
- silabs
- telink
- include
- chip-tool
- commands
- clusters
- common
- discover
- icd
- interactive
- pairing
- py_matter_chip_tool_adapter/matter_chip_tool_adapter
- templates
- common
- imgui_ui/windows
- pigweed
- mbed
- nxp
- protos
- rpc_console/py
- chip_rpc
- rpc_services
- internal
- screen-framework
- tracing
- decoder
- bdx
- echo
- interaction_model
- logging
- secure_channel
- udc
- websocket-server
- contact-sensor-app
- contact-sensor-common
- linux
- nxp
- k32w
- k32w0
- include
- main
- include
- k32w1
- include
- main
- include
- zap
- telink
- include
- src
- darwin-framework-tool
- commands
- bdx
- common
- interactive
- pairing
- tests
- logging
- templates
- tests
- partials
- checks
- dishwasher-app
- dishwasher-common
- include
- src
- linux
- energy-management-app
- energy-management-common
- include
- src
- esp32
- main
- include
- third_party
- linux
- include
- third_party
- java-matter-controller
- java/src/com/matter/controller
- commands
- icd
- pairing
- kotlin-matter-controller/java/src/com/matter/controller/commands/pairing
- light-switch-app
- ameba
- main
- asr/src
- esp32/main
- genio/src
- infineon/cyw30739/src
- light-switch-common
- nrfconnect
- boards
- main
- include
- qpg
- include
- src
- third_party
- zap
- silabs
- src
- telink
- include
- src
- lighting-app
- ameba
- main
- asr/src
- beken/main
- bouffalolab
- bl602
- bl702
- bl702l
- common
- data_model
- cc13x2x7_26x2x7
- src
- cc13x4_26x4
- src
- esp32
- main
- genio/src
- infineon
- cyw30739/src
- psoc6/src
- lighting-common
- linux
- mbed/main
- nrfconnect
- boards
- main
- include
- nxp
- k32w
- k32w0
- include
- main
- include
- k32w1
- include
- main
- include
- zap
- qpg
- src
- zap
- silabs
- data_model
- src
- stm32/src/STM32WB5
- telink
- include
- src
- tizen
- src
- lit-icd-app
- linux
- config
- include
- third_party
- lit-icd-common
- silabs
- include
- src
- third_party
- lock-app
- asr/src
- cc13x2x7_26x2x7
- main
- include
- src
- cc13x4_26x4
- src
- esp32
- main
- include
- genio/src
- infineon
- cyw30739/src
- psoc6/src
- linux
- lock-common
- include
- src
- mbed/main
- nrfconnect
- boards
- main
- include
- nxp
- k32w/k32w0
- include
- main
- include
- zap
- qpg
- include
- src
- zap
- silabs
- src
- telink
- boards
- include
- src
- log-source-app/log-source-common
- microwave-oven-app
- linux
- include
- third_party
- microwave-oven-common
- include
- src
- minimal-mdns
- network-manager-app
- linux
- include
- third_party
- network-manager-common
- ota-provider-app
- esp32/main
- ota-provider-common
- ota-requestor-app
- ameba
- main
- esp32/main
- linux
- ota-requestor-common
- telink
- include
- persistent-storage
- cc13x2x7_26x2x7
- esp32/main
- pigweed-app
- ameba
- esp32/main
- placeholder
- linux
- apps
- app1
- templates
- app2
- templates
- include
- src
- templates
- platform
- ameba/test_event_trigger
- asr
- shell
- bouffalolab/common
- iot_sdk
- plat
- cc13x2_26x2
- cc13x4_26x4
- esp32
- common
- external_platform/ESP32_custom
- shell_extension
- linux
- mbed/util
- nrfconnect
- pw_sys_io
- util
- nxp
- k32w
- k32w0
- app/ldscripts
- common
- doc/images
- scripts
- k32w1
- app
- ldscripts
- support
- pw_sys_io
- public/pw_sys_io_nxp
- se05x/linux
- qpg/project_include
- silabs
- SiWx917
- SiWx917
- display
- efr32
- project_include
- rs911x
- hal
- wf200
- ldscripts
- telink
- common
- include
- src
- util
- include
- src
- tizen
- providers
- pump-app
- cc13x2x7_26x2x7
- main
- include
- cc13x4_26x4
- main
- include
- nrfconnect
- boards
- main
- include
- pump-common
- silabs
- data_model
- src
- telink
- include
- src
- pump-controller-app
- cc13x2x7_26x2x7
- main
- include
- cc13x4_26x4
- main
- include
- nrfconnect
- boards
- main
- include
- pump-controller-common
- telink
- include
- refrigerator-app/refrigerator-common
- include
- src
- resource-monitoring-app
- linux
- include
- src
- resource-monitoring-common
- include
- delegates
- src
- delegates
- telink
- include
- src
- rvc-app
- linux
- rvc-common
- include
- pics
- src
- shell
- cc13x2x7_26x2x7
- include
- main
- cc13x4_26x4
- include
- main
- nrfconnect
- shell_common
- standalone
- telink
- smoke-co-alarm-app
- silabs
- include
- src
- smoke-co-alarm-common
- telink
- include
- temperature-measurement-app
- esp32
- main
- diagnostic_logs
- include
- telink
- include
- src
- temperature-measurement-common
- thermostat
- asr
- include
- src
- nxp/zap
- qpg
- include
- src
- third_party
- zap
- silabs
- src
- telink
- include
- src
- thermostat-common
- tv-app
- android
- App
- content-app/src/main/java/com/example/contentapp/receiver
- platform-app
- include
- account-login
- application-launcher
- content-app-observer
- content-control
- content-launcher
- media-playback
- messages
- java
- src/com/matter/tv/server/tvapp
- linux
- tv-common
- clusters
- account-login
- application-launcher
- channel
- content-app-observer
- content-control
- content-launcher
- keypad-input
- media-playback
- messages
- wake-on-lan
- include
- src
- tv-casting-app
- android
- App/app/src/main
- java/com
- chip/casting/app
- matter/casting
- jni
- com/matter/casting
- core
- support
- cpp
- core
- support
- res
- layout
- values
- darwin
- MatterTvCastingBridge
- MatterTvCastingBridge
- MatterTvCastingBridge.xcodeproj
- TvCasting
- TvCasting
- TvCasting.xcodeproj
- diagram
- linux
- tv-casting-common
- clusters
- content-app-observer
- commands/common
- core
- include
- src
- support
- virtual-device-app
- android
- App
- core
- common/src/main/res/values
- data/src/main/java/com/matter/virtual/device/app/core/data/repository/cluster
- domain/src/main/java/com/matter/virtual/device/app/core/domain/usecase/matter/cluster/doorlock
- matter/src/main/java/com/matter/virtual/device/app/core/matter/manager
- model/src/main/java/com/matter/virtual/device/app/core/model
- databinding
- matter
- ui/src/main
- java/com/matter/virtual/device/app/core/ui
- res
- drawable
- layout
- values
- feature
- closure
- src
- androidTest/java/com/matter/virtual/device/app/feature/closure
- main
- java/com/matter/virtual/device/app/feature/closure
- res
- layout
- values
- test/java/com/matter/virtual/device/app/feature/closure
- control/src/main
- java/com/matter/virtual/device/app/feature/control
- res/layout
- main/src/main
- java/com/matter/virtual/device/app/feature/main
- res/layout
- qrcode/src/main
- java/com/matter/virtual/device/app/feature/qrcode
- res/layout
- setup/src/main
- java/com/matter/virtual/device/app/feature/setup
- res
- layout
- values
- java
- src/com/matter/virtual/device/app
- virtual-device-common
- window-app
- common
- src
- nrfconnect
- boards
- main
- include
- silabs
- include
- src
- telink
- include
- src
- integrations
- cloudbuild
- docker/images
- base/chip-build
- chip-cert-bins
- stage-2
- chip-build-ameba
- chip-build-efr32
- chip-build-esp32
- chip-build-k32w
- chip-build-nrf-platform
- chip-build-rw61x
- chip-build-telink
- chip-build-ti
- chip-cirque-device-base
- vscode/chip-build-vscode
- scripts
- build
- build
- builders
- testdata
- examples
- flashing
- helpers
- platforms
- pregenerate
- py_matter_idl
- examples/matter_idl_plugin
- matter_idl
- data_model_xml/handlers
- generators
- cpp
- application
- tlvmeta
- idl
- java
- kotlin
- markdown
- lint
- tests
- inputs
- outputs
- cluster_struct_attribute/jni
- cluster_with_commands/cpp-tlvmeta
- global_struct_attribute/jni
- large_all_clusters_app/cpp-app
- large_lighting_app/cpp-app
- optional_argument/jni
- proto
- several_clusters
- cpp-app
- java
- jni
- simple_attribute/jni
- zapxml/handlers
- py_matter_yamltests
- matter_yamltests
- pseudo_clusters/clusters
- setup
- spec_xml
- tests
- chiptest
- yaml
- tools
- memory
- memdf
- platform
- nxp
- factory_data_generator
- k32w1
- ota
- telink
- zap
- tests
- inputs
- outputs
- all-clusters-app/app-templates
- lighting-app/app-templates
- src
- access
- tests
- app
- MessageDef
- app-platform
- clusters
- access-control-server
- account-login-server
- administrator-commissioning-server
- application-basic-server
- application-launcher-server
- audio-output-server
- barrier-control-server
- basic-information
- bindings
- boolean-state-configuration-server
- bridged-device-basic-information-server
- channel-server
- color-control-server
- content-app-observer
- content-control-server
- content-launch-server
- descriptor
- device-energy-management-server
- diagnostic-logs-server
- dishwasher-alarm-server
- door-lock-server
- electrical-energy-measurement-server
- electrical-power-measurement-server
- energy-evse-server
- ethernet-network-diagnostics-server
- fan-control-server
- general-diagnostics-server
- groups-server
- icd-management-server
- identify-server
- keypad-input-server
- laundry-dryer-controls-server
- laundry-washer-controls-server
- level-control
- localization-configuration-server
- low-power-server
- media-input-server
- media-playback-server
- messages-server
- microwave-oven-control-server
- mode-base-server
- mode-select-server
- network-commissioning
- occupancy-sensor-server
- on-off-server
- operational-credentials-server
- operational-state-server
- ota-provider
- ota-requestor
- power-source-server
- power-topology-server
- pump-configuration-and-control-server
- refrigerator-alarm-server
- resource-monitoring-server
- sample-mei-server
- scenes-server
- smoke-co-alarm-server
- software-diagnostics-server
- temperature-control-server
- test-cluster-server
- thermostat-server
- thermostat-user-interface-configuration-server
- thread-network-diagnostics-server
- time-format-localization-server
- time-synchronization-server
- valve-configuration-and-control-server
- wake-on-lan-server
- wifi-network-diagnostics-server
- window-covering-server
- common
- templates
- data-model
- icd
- client
- server
- reporting
- tests
- server
- java
- tests
- integration
- suites
- certification
- commands
- delay
- scripts
- discovery
- interaction_model
- log
- system
- scripts
- credentials
- include
- pics
- templates
- util
- mock
- include/zap-generated
- zap-templates
- common
- partials
- idl
- templates/app
- attributes
- zcl/data-model
- chip
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
4,898 files changed
lines changed+27
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
| 6 | + | |
| 7 | + | |
| 8 | + | |
| 9 | + | |
| 10 | + | |
| 11 | + | |
| 12 | + | |
| 13 | + | |
| 14 | + | |
| 15 | + | |
| 16 | + | |
| 17 | + | |
| 18 | + | |
| 19 | + | |
| 20 | + | |
| 21 | + | |
| 22 | + | |
| 23 | + | |
| 24 | + | |
| 25 | + | |
| 26 | + | |
| 27 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
17 | 17 |
| |
18 | 18 |
| |
19 | 19 |
| |
| 20 | + | |
20 | 21 |
| |
21 | 22 |
| |
22 | 23 |
| |
| |||
31 | 32 |
| |
32 | 33 |
| |
33 | 34 |
| |
| 35 | + | |
34 | 36 |
| |
| 37 | + | |
35 | 38 |
| |
36 | 39 |
| |
37 | 40 |
| |
| |||
92 | 95 |
| |
93 | 96 |
| |
94 | 97 |
| |
| 98 | + | |
95 | 99 |
| |
96 | 100 |
| |
97 | 101 |
| |
98 | 102 |
| |
99 | 103 |
| |
| 104 | + | |
100 | 105 |
| |
101 | 106 |
| |
102 | 107 |
| |
| |||
130 | 135 |
| |
131 | 136 |
| |
132 | 137 |
| |
| 138 | + | |
133 | 139 |
| |
134 | 140 |
| |
135 | 141 |
| |
| |||
155 | 161 |
| |
156 | 162 |
| |
157 | 163 |
| |
| 164 | + | |
158 | 165 |
| |
159 | 166 |
| |
160 | 167 |
| |
| |||
248 | 255 |
| |
249 | 256 |
| |
250 | 257 |
| |
| 258 | + | |
251 | 259 |
| |
252 | 260 |
| |
253 | 261 |
| |
254 | 262 |
| |
255 | 263 |
| |
256 | 264 |
| |
| 265 | + | |
257 | 266 |
| |
258 | 267 |
| |
259 | 268 |
| |
| |||
264 | 273 |
| |
265 | 274 |
| |
266 | 275 |
| |
| 276 | + | |
267 | 277 |
| |
268 | 278 |
| |
269 | 279 |
| |
| |||
273 | 283 |
| |
274 | 284 |
| |
275 | 285 |
| |
| 286 | + | |
| 287 | + | |
276 | 288 |
| |
277 | 289 |
| |
278 | 290 |
| |
| |||
286 | 298 |
| |
287 | 299 |
| |
288 | 300 |
| |
| 301 | + | |
289 | 302 |
| |
290 | 303 |
| |
291 | 304 |
| |
| |||
298 | 311 |
| |
299 | 312 |
| |
300 | 313 |
| |
301 |
| - | |
302 | 314 |
| |
| 315 | + | |
303 | 316 |
| |
304 | 317 |
| |
305 | 318 |
| |
| |||
369 | 382 |
| |
370 | 383 |
| |
371 | 384 |
| |
| 385 | + | |
372 | 386 |
| |
373 | 387 |
| |
374 | 388 |
| |
| |||
487 | 501 |
| |
488 | 502 |
| |
489 | 503 |
| |
| 504 | + | |
490 | 505 |
| |
491 | 506 |
| |
| 507 | + | |
| 508 | + | |
| 509 | + | |
492 | 510 |
| |
493 | 511 |
| |
494 | 512 |
| |
| |||
516 | 534 |
| |
517 | 535 |
| |
518 | 536 |
| |
| 537 | + | |
519 | 538 |
| |
| 539 | + | |
520 | 540 |
| |
| 541 | + | |
521 | 542 |
| |
522 | 543 |
| |
523 | 544 |
| |
| |||
587 | 608 |
| |
588 | 609 |
| |
589 | 610 |
| |
| 611 | + | |
590 | 612 |
| |
591 | 613 |
| |
| 614 | + | |
592 | 615 |
| |
593 | 616 |
| |
594 | 617 |
| |
| |||
611 | 634 |
| |
612 | 635 |
| |
613 | 636 |
| |
| 637 | + | |
614 | 638 |
| |
615 | 639 |
| |
616 | 640 |
| |
| |||
624 | 648 |
| |
625 | 649 |
| |
626 | 650 |
| |
| 651 | + | |
627 | 652 |
| |
628 | 653 |
| |
629 | 654 |
| |
| |||
654 | 679 |
| |
655 | 680 |
| |
656 | 681 |
| |
| 682 | + | |
657 | 683 |
| |
| 684 | + | |
658 | 685 |
| |
659 | 686 |
| |
660 | 687 |
| |
661 | 688 |
| |
662 | 689 |
| |
663 | 690 |
| |
664 |
| - | |
665 | 691 |
| |
666 | 692 |
| |
667 | 693 |
| |
| |||
695 | 721 |
| |
696 | 722 |
| |
697 | 723 |
| |
| 724 | + | |
698 | 725 |
| |
699 | 726 |
| |
700 | 727 |
| |
| |||
704 | 731 |
| |
705 | 732 |
| |
706 | 733 |
| |
| 734 | + | |
707 | 735 |
| |
708 | 736 |
| |
709 | 737 |
| |
| |||
793 | 821 |
| |
794 | 822 |
| |
795 | 823 |
| |
796 |
| - | |
797 | 824 |
| |
798 | 825 |
| |
799 | 826 |
| |
800 | 827 |
| |
801 | 828 |
| |
802 | 829 |
| |
| 830 | + | |
803 | 831 |
| |
804 | 832 |
| |
805 | 833 |
| |
| |||
828 | 856 |
| |
829 | 857 |
| |
830 | 858 |
| |
| 859 | + | |
831 | 860 |
| |
832 | 861 |
| |
833 | 862 |
| |
| |||
914 | 943 |
| |
915 | 944 |
| |
916 | 945 |
| |
| 946 | + | |
| 947 | + | |
917 | 948 |
| |
918 | 949 |
| |
919 | 950 |
| |
| |||
1021 | 1052 |
| |
1022 | 1053 |
| |
1023 | 1054 |
| |
| 1055 | + | |
1024 | 1056 |
| |
1025 | 1057 |
| |
1026 | 1058 |
| |
| |||
1053 | 1085 |
| |
1054 | 1086 |
| |
1055 | 1087 |
| |
| 1088 | + | |
1056 | 1089 |
| |
1057 | 1090 |
| |
1058 | 1091 |
| |
1059 | 1092 |
| |
1060 | 1093 |
| |
1061 | 1094 |
| |
| 1095 | + | |
1062 | 1096 |
| |
1063 | 1097 |
| |
1064 | 1098 |
| |
| |||
1131 | 1165 |
| |
1132 | 1166 |
| |
1133 | 1167 |
| |
| 1168 | + | |
1134 | 1169 |
| |
1135 | 1170 |
| |
1136 | 1171 |
| |
| |||
1146 | 1181 |
| |
1147 | 1182 |
| |
1148 | 1183 |
| |
| 1184 | + | |
| 1185 | + | |
1149 | 1186 |
| |
1150 | 1187 |
| |
1151 | 1188 |
| |
| |||
1155 | 1192 |
| |
1156 | 1193 |
| |
1157 | 1194 |
| |
| 1195 | + | |
1158 | 1196 |
| |
1159 | 1197 |
| |
1160 |
| - | |
1161 | 1198 |
| |
| 1199 | + | |
1162 | 1200 |
| |
1163 | 1201 |
| |
1164 | 1202 |
| |
| |||
1192 | 1230 |
| |
1193 | 1231 |
| |
1194 | 1232 |
| |
| 1233 | + | |
1195 | 1234 |
| |
1196 | 1235 |
| |
1197 | 1236 |
| |
| |||
1200 | 1239 |
| |
1201 | 1240 |
| |
1202 | 1241 |
| |
| 1242 | + | |
1203 | 1243 |
| |
1204 | 1244 |
| |
1205 | 1245 |
| |
| |||
1213 | 1253 |
| |
1214 | 1254 |
| |
1215 | 1255 |
| |
1216 |
| - | |
1217 | 1256 |
| |
| 1257 | + | |
1218 | 1258 |
| |
1219 | 1259 |
| |
1220 | 1260 |
| |
| |||
1227 | 1267 |
| |
1228 | 1268 |
| |
1229 | 1269 |
| |
| 1270 | + | |
1230 | 1271 |
| |
1231 | 1272 |
| |
1232 | 1273 |
| |
| |||
1336 | 1377 |
| |
1337 | 1378 |
| |
1338 | 1379 |
| |
| 1380 | + | |
1339 | 1381 |
| |
1340 | 1382 |
| |
1341 | 1383 |
| |
1342 | 1384 |
| |
1343 | 1385 |
| |
1344 | 1386 |
| |
| 1387 | + | |
1345 | 1388 |
| |
1346 | 1389 |
| |
1347 | 1390 |
| |
1348 | 1391 |
| |
1349 | 1392 |
| |
| 1393 | + | |
1350 | 1394 |
| |
1351 | 1395 |
| |
1352 | 1396 |
| |
| |||
1470 | 1514 |
| |
1471 | 1515 |
| |
1472 | 1516 |
| |
| 1517 | + | |
1473 | 1518 |
| |
1474 | 1519 |
| |
1475 | 1520 |
| |
| |||
1497 | 1542 |
| |
1498 | 1543 |
| |
1499 | 1544 |
| |
| 1545 | + | |
1500 | 1546 |
| |
1501 | 1547 |
| |
1502 | 1548 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
17 | 17 |
| |
18 | 18 |
| |
19 | 19 |
| |
| 20 | + | |
| 21 | + | |
20 | 22 |
| |
21 | 23 |
| |
22 | 24 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
| 6 | + | |
| 7 | + | |
| 8 | + | |
| 9 | + |
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