Описания и инструкция на русском...
A collection of small utility tools created for personal commercial and non-commercial needs. These tools aim to solve specific problems efficiently and can be used across different environments.
Processes Telegram chat export JSON files by extracting and transforming messages.
- Extracts text from the "text_entities" field in each message
- Preserves message ID, creation date, and media attachments information
- Removes formatting while keeping the essential text
- Outputs a clean JSON file with the transformed data
python3 TxtTools/Telegram_Chats_Distiller.py --input <input_file> [--output <output_file>]
A powerful tool for comparing multiple text files simultaneously with Git-like diff visualization.
- Compare more than two text sources at once
- Highlights additions, deletions, and modifications across files
- Color-coded visualization of changes
- Line number indicators
- Search functionality
python TxtTools/MultipleTextComparator/Infinite_Differ.py
A tool for normalizing audio tracks in MKV video files using ffmpeg's loudnorm filter.
- Scans input location for MKV files
- Analyzes audio tracks with ffprobe
- Normalizes audio using the EBU R128 loudness standard
- Preserves video and subtitle streams
- Maintains original audio track titles
- Processes files asynchronously for improved performance
- ffmpeg (with loudnorm filter)
- ffprobe
python VideoTools/FFMPEG_MKV_audio_normlizer.py [options]
A utility script to generate requirements.txt by scanning Python files for imports.
- Scans all Python files in the specified directory and its subdirectories
- Detects non-standard imports using AST parsing
- Includes version information for installed packages
- Supports custom output locations
- Offers to install packages via pip after generating the file
- Can recursively generate requirements.txt for subdirectories
python requirementsBuilder.py
You can request a custom tool by contacting me at t.me/Artemonim or Artemonim@yandex.ru.
If any of these tools have been particularly helpful to you, feel free to express your appreciation! :3