✦ This is a Mega React Movie Database Project using Vite & the TMDB Movie Api, ONA FILMS, made to be Responsive on all devices!
✦ Below are screenshots of What the Website looks like. All attributions have been given to TMDB on the website itself.
✦ Check Out The Live Site → https://aumar.xyz/ONA-Films/
⋆ If you'd like to take look at it yourself, 'Git Clone The Repo'; Login & Password is in the Login.jsx file.
⋆ In essence, this project was created using the React Router, TMDB Movie API & Splidejs.
⁎ SplideJS Package Installation: https://splidejs.com/integration/react-splide/
⁎ TMDB Movie API: https://developer.themoviedb.org/docs/getting-started
- Make sure you:
- Have pulled the latest updates of main as we will be tweaking this project with updates.
- Have node_modules & splide.js package installed.
- You're in the Project Folder /ReactDatabase/ to run the Project using pnpm run dev or npm run dev.
- Have pulled the latest updates of main as we will be tweaking this project with updates.
[ Happy Developing! :) ]