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Releases: BANKEX/web3swift
Releases · BANKEX/web3swift
Define modular headers
Now it should be possible to use the web3swift without !use_frameworks directive in Podfile
Bridge to async
- Bridged all sync methods to async counterparts
- Code deduplication
- Better gas estimation: how "TransactionIntermediate" has some gasLimit and options in .send() method can also provide limit. Estimated gas for transaction should be
- estimated <= gasLimit and options.gasLimit == nil
- or estimated <= options.gasLimit -> then total gas limit is set to options.gasLimit to simulate behavior of web3js
Love for events
- Implement querying a remote node for events based on "indexed" event parameters in Solidity
- Add "plain" keystores, that SHOULD be ephemeral and only hold private key for a time of user session
- Add convenience methods to send ETH and ERC20 tokens in web3.eth object
- Add input data parameters decoding - if you get a transaction "data" and know an ABI, than you can get those values prettily decoded. Only works for ABIv2 based contracts
- "Old style" decoder based contract objects ("Contract" class ) are now deprecated
- Move to Swift 4.1
Convenience methods to send ETH
Proper initialization and serialization of BIP32 Keystore to work in Keystore Manager and support arbitrary path derivation after saving
BIP32 derivation fix for release builds
Merge pull request #66 from BANKEX/develop Solidity bound ECRecover test and example
More native types are accepted for ABI encoding
Merge pull request #59 from BANKEX/develop Wider range of parameter types as input to ABI encoder
Personal operations added
Merge pull request #58 from BANKEX/develop add ECrecover, personal sign and unlock account methods
Contract deployments
Transactions that deploy smart-contracts are now supported using external full node (Geth/Parity).
Local signing is yet untested