Paper title:
PUMA: A Programmable Ultra-efficient Memristor-based Accelerator for Machine Learning Inference
Problem to solve:
Previous designs lack several important features for supporting general ML workloads.
First, each design supports one or two types of neural networks, where layers are encoded as state machines. This approach is not scalable to a larger variety of workloads due to increased decoding overhead and complexity.
Second, existing accelerators lack the types of operations needed by general ML workloads. For example, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) workloads require multiple vector linear and transcendental functions which cannot be executed on crossbars efciently and are not supported by existing designs.
Third, existing designs do not provide flexible data movement and control operations to capture the variety of access and reuse patterns in different workloads. This data movement can amount to a signifcant portion of the total energy consumption which calls for flexible operations to optimize the data movement.
Major contribution:
Propose PUMA’s microarchitecture techniques exposed through a specialized Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) retain the efciency of in-memory computing and analog circuitry, without compromising programmability.\
Present the PUMA compiler which translates high-level code to PUMA ISA. The compiler partitions the computational graph and optimizes instruction scheduling and register allocation to generate code for large and complex workloads to run on thousands of spatial cores.
Develope a detailed architecture simulator that incorporates the functionality, timing, and power models of PUMA’s components to evaluate performance and energy consumption.
A PUMA accelerator running at 1 GHz can reach area and power efciency of 577 GOPS/s/mm2 and 837 GOPS/s/W, respectively. Our evaluation of diverse ML applications from image recognition, machine translation, and language modelling (5M-800M synapses) shows that PUMA achieves up to 2,446× energy and 66× latency improvement for inference compared to state-of-the-art GPUs. Compared to an application-specifc memristor-based accelerator, PUMA incurs small energy overheads at similar inference latency and added programmability.
Lessons learnt:
The DNN operator based RRAM accelerator is more comprehensive. The instruction set architecture (ISA), simulator, etc., are all designed by themself, which is not found in the RRAM accelerator. Previous accelerators only focus on architecture.
PUMA is a spatial architecture organized in three-tiers: cores, tiles, and nodes. Cores consist of analog crossbars, functional units, and an instruction execution pipeline. Tiles consist of multiple cores connected via a shared memory. Nodes consist of multiple tiles connected via an on-chip network. Subsequently, nodes can be connected together via a chipto-chip interconnect for large-scale execution