- We recommand you to use Docker Desktop, which is a really good tools to manage your docker containers
- It provides a lot of great features to make docker easier
- For Windows/WSL and Mac, Docker will run a tiny VM inside your host machine to run Docker inside
- Go to the docs to download Docker Desktop
- Accept this box
- Use WSL2 instead of HyperV
- Agree CGV
- May need a reboot for updating Linux kernel
- Will appear an additionnal set up
- Finish this set up and its done
- Can login to DockerHub for pulls images
- Go Task Bar -> Right Click on Docker -> Settings
- Go to Resources
- WSL Integration : accept this
- Enable integration with my default WSL distro
- Plus, in this menu you have to enable Docker for each subsystem you want
- Failed to deploy distro docker-desktop
- This happen when you never run virtualisation inside your Windows
- Need BIOS exetensions enabled
- Had to enable virtualisation
- Choose the right .dmg file according to your MacOS Version
- Launch the APP
- Accept CGU
- All Preferences and Settings are in top right of the screen : Click on the Whale Icon to go in
- You can log on DockerHub to pulls images from the hub
- Go to
-> We can adjust the CPU usage, RAM or Disk usage for advanced using- Even if we put 8GO RAM, and Docker dont use it, it wont use it
- Go to
Experimental Features
- Enable VirtioFS : grants speed of file transfer between the machine and containers
- There is some requirements for installing on Linux
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release
- Each distro is different on Linux
- According to the distro, go to Docs and follow steps ...
You may want to login on DockerHub to pulls images
Go to
- Allow you to manage some resources allowed to Docker (CPU, RAM, Disk ...)
Go to
- Care on the path able to share with Docker containers. You want that your source code is inside those path to not get error later ad-warning
- This error can occur after launching Docker Desktop
- Have to generate GPG Keys, always tuto on dockers docs ...