Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd ORTEX_technical_task
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
npm run build
npm start
Reset password: http://localhost:3000/api/resetPassword
- Error case user:
- Success case user: any other valid email
- Next js (React)
- Cypress
- Jest
- React Testing library
- Storybook
- Lighthouse pipeline.
- Integration tests pipeline.
- Unit tests pipeline.
- Customizable form with validation.
- Accessible documented components.
- Push notification.
- Loading indicators.
- Websocket connection.
├── components (components/stories folder)
├── interfaces.ts (common typescript interfaces)
├── lighthouserc.js (lighthous config)
├── cypress (integration tests)
├── hooks (custom hooks)
├── styles (page level styles)
├── public (static assets)
├── mappers (data mappers)
├── .github (workflows)
└── utils (utility snippets)