- Library mods are now shown by default
- Also print the extension name when it's missing and a mod requires it
- For CCLoader3, the mod installation dir is now
- Improved behavior when there's no internet
- Close mod installation menu on error
- Left clicking a mod in the Settings tab opens the mod's settings menu
- Add "preventResettingToDefault" property on changeable options
- Add "thumbWidth" property on OBJECT_SLIDER
- OBJECT_SLIDER thumb size now has a minimum of 30px
- On game start, all OBJECT_SLIDER values will be put in their bounds
- Left clicking a mod in the Settings tab doesn't crash anymore
- Fix crash when clicking the "Reset Settings" button some mod's setting page
- Fix top bar buttons like "Help" becoming uninteractable after resetting the mod's settings
- Fix OBJECT_SLIDER not working properly with floating point numbers
- Clarify the intent in the game start autoupdate prompt
- Fix mod list not loading in some very specific cases
- Update the mod repositories to the official (CCDirectLink/CCModDB) from the testing one (krypciak/CCModDB)
- Force CCLoader to update first before any other mods
- Added a tab for mods that have a dedicated settings page
- Remember the "Include local" and "Hide library mods" filter options across game restarts
- Make the manual enforcer less annoying
- Fixed CCLoader sometimes getting detected as not installed
- Enforce the manual on all souls
- Mod options can now also be opened with mouse right click
- Fixed mod settings and testing buttons being unpresssable on gamepad when the gamepad bindings are changed
- Decrease mod size
- Prevent backspace from quitting the mod manager menu
- Keep list scroll when entering the mod's options
functions on option entries:this
is now bound to the option config
- Prevent CCLoader downgrade attempts when using CCLoader3 and downloading a mod that requires CCLoader2
- Prevent Simplify from installing when using CCLoader3
- Fixed space being disabled in every menu, not just the mod manager
- Fixed mod list being unresponsive after exiting out of the filters menu
- Fixed the mod's options menu sometimes failing to open on keyboard and mouse
- Added mod installation progress indication
- Revert the button order in the mod uninstallation popup to "YES NO" from "NO YES"
- Fixed the mod menu sometimes being blank when reopening it
- Block exiting from the mod install menu with keys such as escape
- Don't block dependency mod uninstalling when all parent mods have been uninstalled in the current session
- Disallow installing mods that depend on missing extensions (such as DLC)
- Added the "Reset repositories to default" button to the CCModManager options
- Added the "Clear database cache" button to the CCModManager options
- Added a checkbox to keep chromium flags on CCLoader update to the CCModManager options
- Added a checkbox to unpack installed or updated
mods to the CCModManager options - Added a button to reinstall all installed mods to the CCModManager options
- Added the "Visit release page" button to the mod changelog menu
- Removed the "v" before from the mod update dialog for consistency
- Fixed filters menu back button not being clickable by mouse + other weirdness
- Fixed manual updating of pre-release mods
- Fixed mod options BUTTON y spacing
- Fixed mod installation successful dialog poping up before the installation finished
- Prevent mod description and mod tags overlapping each other
- Fixed the confirmation buttons for the mod installation prompt getting off-screen when the mod list is too big
- Improved ccloader3 compatibility
- Added the mod changelog menu
- Update the mod database endpoint
- Fixed crash when switching buttons using a mouse on BUTTON_GROUP
- Added a 'Visit repository' button
- Added a per-mod options sub-menu
- The mod manager is now available in demo versions of the game generated by crosscode-demonizer, but the online tab is unavailable
- Added testing branch support
- Mod installation dialog now displays versions
- Added mod sha256 digest verification
- Fixed game extensions not being handled
- Always use small font for the grid view
- Fixed mod list sorting on enabled and disabled tabs
- Fixed mod last update date not showing on local mods
- Fixed tag list clipping out of the mod entry box when the tag list too long