Points: 200
Tags: picoCTF 2019, General Skills
Sometimes you need to handle process data outside of a file.
Can you find a way to keep the output from this program and search for the flag?
Connect to jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org 7480.
1. Remember the flag format is picoCTF{XXXX}
2. What's a pipe? No not that kind of pipe... This kind
Challenge link: https://play.picoctf.org/practice/challenge/48
Let's connect to the server with nc
and see what we get
└─$ nc jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org 7480
Not a flag either
Again, I really don't think this is a flag
I don't think this is a flag either
This is defintely not a flag
Again, I really don't think this is a flag
Not a flag either
I don't think this is a flag either
Again, I really don't think this is a flag
Again, I really don't think this is a flag
This is defintely not a flag
This is defintely not a flag
This is defintely not a flag
This is defintely not a flag
Not a flag either
Again, I really don't think this is a flag
Not a flag either
OK, too much output. Lets grep
for the flag
└─$ nc jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org 7480 | grep picoCTF
And there we have the flag.
For additional information, please see the references below.