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Additive Dynamic Models for Correcting Numerical Model Outputs

Data and Code for the paper: Y. Chen, X. Chang, F. Luo, and H. Huang (2023). Additive Dynamic Models for Correcting Numerical Model Outputs, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 187: 107799.


Daily $PM_{2.5}$ concentrations of China's Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region are from two sources, namely the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) system and national monitoring stations. The datasets contain the winter of 2015 described in Section 2 of the manuscript. Besides $PM_{2.5}$ concentrations, these datasets contain many necessary covariates, such as longitude, latitude, air pressure, temperature, cumulative wind power, and other variables.

There are several ``.RData'' files:

  • SiteData.RData is for $PM_{2.5}$ concentrations from 68 monitoring stations, which had been fused with outputs from numerical models by downscaler methods; see the manuscript for more details on data fusion;
  • China_BTH_GeoMap.RData is for the related geographic data that can be used to plot maps of the BTH region;
  • CMAQ_NAQPMS_Grid_Cell.RData is for the grid cell coordinates of two numerical models;
  • Other data files, such as Simu_data.RData, are used to test models, which were generated from a model with a nonseparable spatio-temporal covariance of the Gneiting class (Gneiting, 2002).

We have developed an R package - ADCM for this work. Using our ADCM package, these data files can be loaded by using the ``data'' function.

  • Spatial distributions for the monitoring stations and two numerical model grid cells in the BTH region

Figure 1: Maps of the BTH region under different gridding systems with the locations of 68 monitoring stations marked by the red dots. (a) Map with the centroids of 5,587 9-km CMAQ grids (gray dots). (b) Map with the centroids of 2,141 15-km NAQPMS grids (gray dots).

Software packages

There are two parts to our codes:

  1. The MEnKS-EM algorithm was written into the ADCM package in the R statistical environment;
  2. A project entitled ``ADCMs.Rproj'' in the RStudio environment was built to reproduce all the results (e.g., figures and tables) in this work.
# Require core package
1. R >= 4.2.1
2. Rcpp >= 1.0.7
3. mgcv >= 1.8-41

Installing and loading dependent packages

  • Open the project file, ``ADCMs.Rproj'', based on the RStudio tool.

  • Install all the dependent packages via the following command:


Moreover, the ADCM package can be installed by running:

 install.packages("./LoadPackages/", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")

An example for the ADCM

# remove.packages("ADCM")
# install.packages("./LoadPackages/", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")
rm(list = ls())
data("SiteData", package = "ADCM")
data("China_BTH_GeoMap", package = "ADCM")
#                  Set tuning parameters
Ch <- .3; Cs <- .1; Ct <- 1; Ne <- 100

#-- Provide a name for a list of all objects that will be saved
tab.1 <- strsplit(as.character(Ch), ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]
tab.2 <- strsplit(as.character(Cs), ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]
# tab <- paste0(tab.1, "_", tab.2, "_", Ct)
tab <- paste0("_", tab.1, "_", tab.2)
adcm.table <- paste0( "ADCM", tab)

# Combine other variables with the time variable
DATE_TIME <- unique(obs_PM25_2015w$DATE_TIME) %>% sort()
Nt <- length(DATE_TIME)
date.time <- data.frame(time.index = 1:Nt,
                        time.scale = seq(0, 1, , Nt),
                        DATE_TIME = DATE_TIME)
Model_Base_Table <- obs_PM25_2015w  %>% left_join(date.time, by = c("DATE_TIME"))

#-- Do transformation for some variables 
Model_Base_Table[, c("sim50_CMAQ_PM25")] <- sqrt(Model_Base_Table[, c("sim50_CMAQ_PM25")])
# Do grids and create a basis matrix H
colnames(Map_BTH)[1:2] <- c("LON", "LAT")
Boundary <-
names(Boundary) <- c("LON", "LAT")
model.Grid <- makeGrids(Boundary, nLayer = 2, NC = 15, nBuffer = 3.5) <- CreateHmatrix(grid_coords = model.Grid, 
                              Geo_Map_Coord =,
                              method = c("Wendland"), 
                              Site = Site, 
                              factor = 1, 
                              Ch = Ch, 
                              distance.scale = 1e3,
                              Knots.clip.ratio = .10,
                              hs.normal = FALSE) 
#                Constructing data lists used in the ADCM 
ADCM_Data <- Construct_ADCM_Data(data = Model_Base_Table,
                                 include = list(
                                   YEAR = c(2015, 2016),
                                   month_day = c("11-01", "1-31")
                                 Y = "REAL_PM25",
                                 X = c("sim50_CMAQ_PM25"
                                       , "time.scale"
                                       , "sim_TEMP"
                                       , "sim_SPRESS"
                                       , "sim_WIND_X"
                                       , "sim_WIND_Y"
                                 standard = T, 
                                 center = T, 
                                 start.index = 2)
#                               Model setting
  #--                        Initialize  parameters
  nx <- dim(ADCM_Data$X_ts)[1]
  zeta <- sqrt(50/(2*sqrt(2)))
  para <- list(beta = list(E_beta = c(3.5, 0.5, rep(0, nx - 2))), 
               rho = list(E_rho = 1e-1) 
               , zeta = list(E_zeta = zeta, lower = 1E-3, upper = 1e1)
               , zeta0 = list(E_zeta0 = zeta, lower = 1E-3, upper = 1e1)
               , phi = list(E_phi = 5e1, lower = 1e1, upper = 5e2) 
               , Obs.sigma.sq = list(E_sigma.sq = 1) 
               , Proc0.tau.sq = list(E_tau.sq = 1)
               , Proc.tau.sq = list(E_tau.sq = 1)
#                 The formula for additive models
# the list of parameters for the nonlinear part 
bs <- " 'cc' "; k <- 5
formula.exp <- paste0("REAL_PM25 ~ sim50_CMAQ_PM25  +
s(time.scale, k = ", k + 4, ", bs = ", bs, ", m = 2) +
s(sim_TEMP, k = ", k, ", bs = ", bs, ", m = 2) +
s(sim_SPRESS, k = ", k, ", bs = ", bs, ", m = 2) +
s(sim_WIND_X, k = ", k, ", bs = ", bs, ", m = 2) +
s(sim_WIND_Y, k = ", k + 4, ", bs = ", bs, ", m = 2)")
# formula.exp <- paste0("REAL_PM25 ~ sim50_CMAQ_PM25")
#                          Model fitting and prediction
star.time <- proc.time()
cv.ADCM <- ADCM(Mean.formula = formula.exp,
                Tab = adcm.table,
                ADCM.Data = ADCM_Data, 
                para = para, 
                Ensemble.size = Ne,
                CV = FALSE, 
                plot = TRUE,
                Database = NULL, #list(
                # DSN = odbcConnect(dsn = "DSN_01", 
                #                   uid = "myname",
                #                   pwd = "mypwd",
                #                   believeNRows = FALSE,
                #                   case = "toupper")),
                verbose.EM = TRUE,
                verbose = TRUE, 
                Object = "CITY",
                response.transf = c("sr"),
                itMin = 1e1,
                cs = Cs, 
                ct = Ct,
                tol.real = 1e-2, 
                itMax = 5e1)
end.time <- proc.time()
run_time <- (end.time - star.time)[3] 
save(Fit, file = "./2_Calibration/all_Fit.RData")

Estimated nonlinear functions

Based on the proposed ADCM, we obtained the nonlinear relationships between the observed $PM_{2.5}$ concentrations and other meteorological variables, and Figure 2 presents the estimated nonlinear functions $\hat{g}(\cdot)$ with conditionally simulated 95% confidence intervals (CI).

Figure 2: Figures (a)-(e) represent the estimates of functions for time, surface temperature, surface pressure, and eastern and northern cumulative wind powers, respectively.