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Distributed Systems Lecture 6

Lecture Given by Lindsey Kuper on April 10th, 2020 via YouTube

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Lecture 5 Lecture 7


Sending, Receiving and Delivering

  • Sending a message is active: you choose when and if to send a message
  • Receiving a message is passive: you cannot choose either when or if a message will arrive. All you can do is react by capturing it
  • Delivering a message is active: it is the conscious choice to act upon the contents of a received message.

But why would you want to queue a message before processing it? Typically, because messages need to be processed in the correct order, which could well be different from the order in which they were received.

FIFO Delivery

If a process sends message M2 after M1, then any process delivering both of these messages must deliver M1 first then M2. Failure to do this constitutes a protocol violation as described in the previous lecture as a "FIFO anomaly"

FIFO violation or anomaly

In this case, irrespective of the order in which process Bob received messages m1 and m2, it should always deliver message m1 first, followed by message m2.

In the case that Bob does not receive one (or either) of these messages, then no FIFO violation could have occurred, because here we are concerned with message delivery, not message receipt.

FIFO Delivery Implementation

In real-life, it is unusual to have to implement FIFO delivery yourself because most distributed systems communicate using TCP which already implements FIFO packet delivery.

Causal Delivery

There are different ways of phrasing this, but one way is to say:

If m1's send happens before m2's send, then m1's delivery must happen before m2's delivery

Here's an example of such a violation

Causal violation

In process P1, event A happens in the causal history of event B; therefore, any messages sent from P1 to P2 should be processed in the same causal order as the events that generated them.

But now, let's go back to the "Bob smells" example used in lecture 3

Causal Anomaly

Q:   Is this a FIFO violation?
A:   No (but only in a vacuous sense...)

The reason is that a FIFO violation only occurs when two messages from the same originating process are delivered out of order by the receiving process.

In the above diagram, there is no single process that sends two distinct messages to the same receiving process. Here:

  • Alice sends a single message to Bob
  • Alice sends a single message to Carol
  • Bob sends a single message to Alice
  • Bob sends a single message to Carol
  • Carol is confused...

However, this scenario is still a causal anomaly. In general, at least three communicating processes are required to create a causal anomaly.

Can a Message be Sent to Multiple Destinations?

Yes. Messages can be sent either to a group of participants in a network (a multicast message), or to all participants in a network (a broadcast message). The idea of broadcast messages is something that will be dealt with later.

Totally-Ordered Delivery

This is another correctness property.

If a process delivers message M1 followed by M2, then all processes delivering both M1 and M2 must deliver M1 first followed by M2.

Let's say we have two client processes C1 and C2 that each broadcast a message to two processes R1 and R2. In this scenario, processes R1 and R2 each maintain their own replica of some key/value store.

If processes R1 and R2 do not deliver the messages in the correct order, then we will encounter a violation that results in the replicas disagreeing with each other as to what the value of x should be. In other words, this violation creates an inconsistency between data replicas.

Total-Order Anomaly

This is known as a Total-Order Anomaly and is created when process R1 delivers message m1 followed by m2, but process R2 delivers message m2 followed by m1.

Delivery Guarantees

Since we know that causal delivery also ensures FIFO delivery, we can start to arrange these delivery strategies in a hierarchy, with the weakest at the bottom. Here, we will use the term YOLO to indicate the delivery guarantee that makes no guarantees!

Delivery Hierarchy 1

Where would Totally Ordered Delivery fit in to this scheme?

In fact, it would get its own branch because a FIFO anomaly is not necessarily an anomaly as far as Totally-Ordered Delivery is concerned.

We recall that a FIFO anomaly is the following:

FIFO violation or anomaly

But since the definition of Totally-Ordered Delivery says that all processes delivering both m1 and m2 must do so in a consistent order, the above FIFO anomaly is not an anomaly for Totally-Ordered Delivery because there is only one receiving process. So the order in which that process delivers the messages is immaterial. Thus, this scenario only vacuously conforms to a Totally-Ordered Delivery.

Conversely, Totally-Ordered Delivery violations are not necessarily FIFO violations.

Delivery Hierarchy 2

What Does This Hierarchy Imply?

This hierarchy helps us understand what we can and cannot expect out of a particular delivery guarantee. For instance, if we implement a system guaranteeing causal delivery, then in doing so, we would also be guaranteeing FIFO delivery, because FIFO delivery sits directly below Causal delivery in the hierarchy. However, if we implemented a FIFO delivery system, we could make no guarantees about causal delivery.

Similarly, if the system implements Totally-Ordered Delivery, then this guarantee, in and of itself, cannot ensure either FIFO or Causal delivery.

Turning this argument around, we can also gain an understanding of what type of anomalies can occur. For instance, if we have a FIFO anomaly, then this is also going to be a causal anomaly, but not necessarily a Totally-Ordered anomaly.

Implementing Delivery Guarantees

Implementing FIFO Delivery: Sequence Numbers

The rule here is that any process P2 delivering messages from some other process P1, must do so in the order that P1 sent those messages; which, due to variations in network latency, might well be different from the order in which those messages arrive at P2.

How then would we go about eliminating FIFO delivery anomalies?

One possibility is to use sequence numbers. This is where all messages from a given sender are tagged with a sequence number and a sender id. Each time a message is sent, the sender increments its sequence number. On the receiver's side, all the messages from a given sender are added to a queue ordered by the sequence number. When all the messages have arrived, the receiver can then deliver them in the correct order.

In this case, sequence numbers do not need to be unique across all the processes, because each message is also qualified with a sender id; therefore, it is the combination of the sender id and the sequence number that allows the receiver to discriminate who sent which message and in what order.

Problems with Sequence Numbers

What happens if a message is lost? Consider the following sequence of events:

  • Alice sends three messages to Bob: m1, m2 and m3
  • Bob receives and correctly delivers messages m1 and m2
  • For some reason, Bob never received message m3
  • Unaware the message m3 never arrived, Alice sends messages m4 and m5 which Bob receives
  • However, because Bob is still waiting for the message with sequence number 3 to arrive, he will delay the delivery of any subsequent messages (by adding them to a queue)
  • In this situation, Bob maye well end up waiting forever for the lost message to be delivered

Naïve Sequence numbering

Consequently, in a network where message delivery is unreliable, a naïve sequence number strategy like this will break as soon as message delivery fails for some reason.

Strategies to mitigate these problems could include:

  • Buffering out of sequence messages for a pre-determined period of time, hoping that the late message arrives either before the message buffer fills or the pre-determined timeout expires
  • Processing out of sequence messages on the assumption that the intervening message is lost. If this assumption turns out to be false and the message delivery was simply delayed, then the late message would have to be dropped

Neither of the above strategies are very good in that they tend to create more problems than they solve...

Vacuous FIFO Delivery

Now consider this situation. Are the conditions of FIFO delivery satisfied?

Vacuous FIFO Delivery

Yes, but only in a vacuous sense. Due to the fact that Bob drops all the messages he receives, zero messages are delivered; therefore, the conditions of FIFO delivery are vacuously satisfied.

Implementing FIFO Delivery: Acknowledgments

In this approach, upon receipt of a message, every receiver must send a "message received" acknowledgment (such as ack) back to the sender.

So, when Alice sends a message to Bob, neither Alice nor Bob need concern themselves with sequence numbers. However, this approach has several distinct drawbacks:

  • Communication now becomes sequential. Alice cannot send m2 to Bob until she has received an ack from Bob that he has received m1
  • Increases the volume of network traffic
  • We are still dependent upon a network that can guarantee reliable message delivery

One way of making this approach to communication more efficient is to gather messages into batches, thus decreasing the granularity of communication.

Using Vector Clocks to Prevent Causal Anomalies

Let’s look again at the Causal Anomaly situation:

Causal Anomaly

The problem here is that Carol delivers the message she receives from Bob out of causal order, thus resulting in confusion...

Here, we can use vector clocks to solve causal anomalies.

In the previous lecture, we looked at using vector clocks to count both message-send and -receive events; but in order to ensure Causal Delivery, it turns out that we only need to count message send events.

Ensure Casual Delivery 1

Before sending the message, Alice updates her vector clock to [1,0,0]

What Should Bob Do?

Bob receives the message from Alice.

Q:   Should he deliver it?
A:   Yes, he has no reason not to.

Bob delivers the message and discovers that it is not to his liking. But, since Bob has the emotional maturity of an eight-year-old, he fails to realise that soap and water will work far better than trading insults; so, he resorts to telling the world what he thinks of Alice.

In delivering this message, Bob examines the vector clock of the incoming message and discovers that its less than his, but only by the counter in Alice's position. This is to be expected, since the message came from Alice. He therefore uses the received vector clock to update his own vector clock, and then increments his position in the vector clock.

Since a broadcast message is treated as a single send event to multiple recipients, the same vector clock value of [1,1,0] is sent as part of the messages to both Alice and Carol.

Ensure Casual Delivery 2

What Should Alice Do?

The message now arrives at Alice.

Q:   Should she deliver it?
A:   Yes, she has no reason not to.

Alice's vector clock is [1,0,0] and the incoming vector clock on the message differs only by 1 in Bob's position. So, we can conclude that only one event has taken place since our last message send event, and that event happened in process Bob from whom we received this message.

But What Should Carol Do?

Bob's message also arrives at Carol with vector clock [1,1,0], but earlier than Alice's original message.

Q:   Should she deliver it?
A:   No — look at the vector clock values!

The reason is that compared to Carol's vector clock (which is still set to [0,0,0]), the vector clock on the incoming message is too big.

It’s fine for Bob's position to be set to 1 because this is one bigger than Carol's vector clock position for Bob and the message came from Bob.

But there's a 1 in Alice's vector clock position.

Q:   Hmmmm, that's odd. Where did that come from?
A:   The value comes from the fact that this message is the response to some event that has taken place in Alice, but that Carol doesn't yet know about.

In other words, as far as Carol is concerned, this is a message from the future that has arrived too early and must therefore be buffered.

Finally, Alice's original "Bob smells" message arrives at Carol. Carol now examines this message's vector clock and discovers that it has the expected value of [1,0,0]; therefore, it is fine to deliver this message first.

Once this out-of-sequence message has been delivered, the message waiting in the buffer can be delivered because Carol has now caught up with the event that took place in Alice.

Carol is no longer confused...

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