- internal properties of the comp in perspective of the hardware
- physical components working
- viewed from perpective from the programmer
- desighn of the comp system
- logical component workin
- its an electronic device used to process data into useful info for people
- data represents raw facts(digital data)
- user is an essential part of the system
cpu, memory, input, output
memory -stores the info
alu -performs arithmetic and logical units
control unit- controls alu
instructino+data = info
instru include tranfer info, perform alu
set of instruction to perform task is called a program
process fetcher form memory and perfors data
- data
data are digital info
could be num, encode char
nums are usually in BCD format
source prog fed into a comp its an interface b/w input device and memory
- primary memory and * secondary memory
stores instruction and data
primary mem:
fast ,operates at electronic speed,
reads info and read/writes to the memory during exection
fetched one bit at a time
group of bit stores or retrieved at a time is a word [group of bit == word][group of bit length == word length]
address: is associated with the word location
RAM povides fixed access time independent of the location of the word
time req to access one word is called memory access time
ROM -read only (stores bios)
mem and process commucate with each othe in order to read/write info
to reduce comm time a small amount of RAM is tightely coupled with the process .It is known as Cache.
- Primary storage
insuficaent to store large data
fast ,smallest unit is cache
- secondary storage
to store lage amount of data
arthmetic - adition ,sub
logical -comparison
access time of general purpose registers are faster than cache
inface with output device
converts info into binary
accepts info(input)
stores the info(memo)
process the info(alu)
provides info(out)
control units generates the timimg signals which determines when a particular operation takes place