-conn b/w the processor and memory
individual instructions are brought form the memory into the processor for a specific operation
data to be used as operands are also sotred in the memory
MAR = memory addr register - holds the addr loc to be accessed
MDR = memory data register - stores the data to read/write an addr
PC = program counter
IR = insrtuction register
execute a prog starts when pc is set to point the first instr of the prog
contents of pc are transfered to MAR
"read control signal" is sent to the memory
addr word is read to memory and loaded to MDR
contents of MDR are transferred to the IR and now decoded and executed
if it is related to ALU also try to obtain the required operands
when operand is read it is tranfered to ALU from MDR
after a couple of repeated cycles the ALU can perform the desired operation
result sent to MDR
addr of the location of the result is stored to MAR & write cycle is initiated
contents of the pc is incremented and points to next instruction/location
the decoded instr are stored to IR
instru eg:-> add LOCA,R0 = add the value of loca nad r0 and sotre it in r0
which registeers can interract with the secondary storage- MAR
During the executino of a prog PC is initilised
MAR is connected to Memory