Your task is to translate characters from english alphabet to grade 1 braille system.
You can read about grade 1 braille here.
- Stage 1: Printing one braille character using ● or ○ in terminal
- Stage 2: Translate characters A, B, C, D
- Stage 3: Translate numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 (it is the same as at stage 2 but with special character - Number sign)
- Stage 4: Translate uppercase characters (it is the same as at stage 2 but special character - Letter sign)
- Stage 5: Translate characters K, L, M, N, U, V, X, Y,
- Stage 6: Translate sentences
- Stage 7: Translate special characters
To test braille you can go here
Entry point of program.translator.js
Here is class for containing translator class and it's all functionality.
You should start implementation with printing one character in braille by extending class Translator
For example D
For more information please see wikipedia
Printing one character is very important and should be done at first.
There are special signs to modify how system is working:
- Letter Sign - all next characters will be small letters
- Capital Sign - next character will be capital (only one)
- Double capital sign - all next characters will be capital
- Number Sign - all next characters will be numbers
All new words are small characters as default.
Numbers characters need special number sign so 123 abc
you can write as <NUMBER_SIGN>abc abc
Interpunction characters do not need special signs so 1,23
you can write as <NUMBER_SIGN>a,bc