poetry install
# install shot as symlink to avoid reinstall whenever code changes
# instead of pip install /path/to/shot
# https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/1135
# workaround using __name__ == '__main__' and fire
poetry run task dev
poetry run task install_hooks
# use --force to overwrite hooks if they already exist
poetry run task tests
Tested locally on OSX Mojave 10.14.6
# to autoformat python code
poetry run task lint
# to sort imports
poetry run task isort
# pass args e.g. patch, minor, major, choose to commit changes or not
poetry run bumpversion --commit --tag patch
# once the tag is built by the release action, check the attached .tar is installable.
# e.g. `pip install git+https://github.com/ConorSheehan1/shot@v0.1.1`
# if it is update the release draft and pre-release state.
Errors are swallowed in favor of user friendly short messages. Usually wouldn't suppress errors, but traces can be super long, and there shouldn't be much to handle here. TODO: use rich, then leave exceptions since they'll be formatted?