diff --git a/src/WebAppDIRAC/WebApp/handler/SystemAdministrationHandler.py b/src/WebAppDIRAC/WebApp/handler/SystemAdministrationHandler.py
index b53dd3b92..cca3883b5 100644
--- a/src/WebAppDIRAC/WebApp/handler/SystemAdministrationHandler.py
+++ b/src/WebAppDIRAC/WebApp/handler/SystemAdministrationHandler.py
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
from DIRAC import gConfig, gLogger
from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.List import uniqueElements
-from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.MonitoringClient import gMonitor
from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.NotificationClient import NotificationClient
from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.SystemAdministratorClient import SystemAdministratorClient
from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.ComponentMonitoringClient import ComponentMonitoringClient
+from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.DB.ComponentMonitoringDB import ComponentMonitoringDB
from WebAppDIRAC.Lib.WebHandler import WebHandler, asyncGen
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ def web_ComponentLocation(self):
condDict = {"Setup": _setup}
gLogger.debug("condDict" + str(condDict))
- retVal = gMonitor.getComponentsStatus(condDict)
+ retVal = ComponentMonitoringDB.getComponentsStatus(condDict)
today = datetime.datetime.today()
if retVal["OK"]:
diff --git a/src/WebAppDIRAC/WebApp/static/DIRAC/ActivityMonitor/classes/ActivityMonitor.js b/src/WebAppDIRAC/WebApp/static/DIRAC/ActivityMonitor/classes/ActivityMonitor.js
deleted file mode 100755
index d03e4cca0..000000000
--- a/src/WebAppDIRAC/WebApp/static/DIRAC/ActivityMonitor/classes/ActivityMonitor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1375 +0,0 @@
-Ext.define("DIRAC.ActivityMonitor.classes.ActivityMonitor", {
- extend: "Ext.dirac.core.Module",
- requires: [
- "Ext.util.*",
- "Ext.panel.Panel",
- "Ext.form.field.Text",
- "Ext.button.Button",
- "Ext.menu.Menu",
- "Ext.form.field.ComboBox",
- "Ext.layout.*",
- "Ext.form.field.Date",
- "Ext.form.field.TextArea",
- "Ext.form.field.Checkbox",
- "Ext.form.FieldSet",
- "Ext.dirac.utils.DiracMultiSelect",
- "Ext.toolbar.Toolbar",
- "Ext.data.Record",
- "Ext.Array",
- "Ext.data.TreeStore",
- "Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect",
- "DIRAC.ActivityMonitor.classes.ActivityTreeModel",
- ],
- expansionState: {},
- initComponent: function () {
- var me = this;
- me.launcher.title = "Activity Monitor";
- Ext.apply(me, {
- layout: "border",
- bodyBorder: false,
- defaults: {
- collapsible: true,
- split: true,
- },
- items: [],
- header: false,
- });
- me.callParent(arguments);
- },
- buildUI: function () {
- var me = this;
- var oToolb = Ext.create("Ext.toolbar.Toolbar", {
- dock: "top",
- border: false,
- layout: {
- pack: "center",
- },
- items: [
- {
- xtype: "button",
- text: "Proxy Monitor",
- handler: function () {
- me.mainPanel.getLayout().setActiveItem(0);
- },
- toggleGroup: me.id + "-ids-submodule",
- allowDepress: false,
- },
- {
- xtype: "button",
- text: "Plot Creator",
- handler: function () {
- me.mainPanel.getLayout().setActiveItem(1);
- },
- toggleGroup: me.id + "-ids-submodule",
- allowDepress: false,
- },
- {
- xtype: "button",
- text: "Plot Viewer",
- handler: function () {
- me.mainPanel.getLayout().setActiveItem(2);
- },
- toggleGroup: me.id + "-ids-submodule",
- allowDepress: false,
- },
- {
- xtype: "button",
- text: "System overview plots",
- handler: function () {
- me.mainPanel.getLayout().setActiveItem(3);
- },
- toggleGroup: me.id + "-ids-submodule",
- allowDepress: false,
- },
- ],
- });
- oToolb.items.getAt(0).toggle();
- me.mainPanel = new Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- floatable: false,
- layout: "card",
- region: "center",
- header: false,
- border: false,
- dockedItems: [oToolb],
- });
- me.__buildActivityMonitor();
- me.__buildPlotManagement();
- me.__buildPlotViewer();
- me.__buildSystemViewer();
- me.add([me.mainPanel]);
- },
- __buildActivityMonitor: function () {
- var me = this;
- me.activityMonitorDataStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
- proxy: {
- type: "ajax",
- url: GLOBAL.BASE_URL + "ActivityMonitor/getActivityData",
- reader: {
- keepRawData: true,
- type: "json",
- rootProperty: "result",
- },
- timeout: 1800000,
- },
- autoLoad: true,
- fields: [
- {
- name: "sources_id",
- type: "int",
- },
- "sources_site",
- "sources_componentType",
- "sources_componentLocation",
- "sources_componentName",
- {
- name: "activities_id",
- type: "int",
- },
- "activities_name",
- "activities_category",
- "activities_unit",
- "activities_type",
- "activities_description",
- {
- name: "activities_bucketLength",
- type: "int",
- },
- "activities_filename",
- {
- name: "activities_lastUpdate",
- type: "float",
- },
- ],
- remoteSort: true,
- pageSize: 100,
- listeners: {
- load: function (oStore, records, successful, eOpts) {
- var bResponseOK = oStore.proxy.getReader().rawData["success"] == "true";
- if (!bResponseOK) {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.alert(oStore.proxy.getReader().rawData["error"], "info");
- if (parseInt(oStore.proxy.getReader().rawData["total"], 10) == 0) {
- me.dataStore.removeAll();
- }
- }
- },
- },
- });
- var oDeleteSelectedActivities = new Ext.Button({
- text: "Delete",
- iconCls: "dirac-icon-delete",
- handler: function () {
- var oElems = Ext.query("#" + me.activityMonitorPanel.id + " input.checkrow");
- var oItems = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < oElems.length; i++) if (oElems[i].checked) oItems.push(oElems[i].value);
- if (oItems.length < 1) {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.alert("No jobs were selected", "error");
- return;
- }
- Ext.Ajax.request({
- url: GLOBAL.BASE_URL + "ActivityMonitor/deleteActivities",
- params: {
- ids: oItems.join(","),
- },
- scope: me,
- success: function (response) {
- me.activityMonitorDataStore.store.load();
- },
- });
- },
- tooltip: "Click to delete all selected proxies",
- });
- me.activityMonitorToolbar = Ext.create("Ext.toolbar.Paging", {
- store: me.activityMonitorDataStore,
- displayInfo: true,
- displayMsg: "Displaying topics {0} - {1} of {2}",
- items: [oDeleteSelectedActivities, "->"],
- prependButtons: true,
- emptyMsg: "No topics to display",
- layout: {
- overflowHandler: "Scroller",
- },
- });
- var sGridId = Ext.id();
- var sCheckboxDefinition = "";
- sCheckboxDefinition += '';
- me.activityMonitorPanel = Ext.create("Ext.grid.Panel", {
- store: me.activityMonitorDataStore,
- stateful: true,
- stateId: "ActivityMonitorPanel",
- id: sGridId,
- header: false,
- viewConfig: {
- stripeRows: true,
- enableTextSelection: true,
- },
- columns: [
- {
- header: sCheckboxDefinition,
- name: "checkBox",
- width: 26,
- sortable: false,
- dataIndex: "activities_id",
- renderer: function (value, metaData, record, row, col, store, gridView) {
- return this.rendererChkBox(record);
- },
- hideable: false,
- fixed: true,
- menuDisabled: true,
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- header: "Site",
- sortable: true,
- dataIndex: "sources_site",
- },
- {
- header: "Component Type",
- sortable: true,
- dataIndex: "sources_componentType",
- },
- {
- header: "Location",
- sortable: true,
- dataIndex: "sources_componentLocation",
- flex: 1,
- },
- {
- header: "Component name",
- sortable: true,
- dataIndex: "sources_componentName",
- flex: 1,
- },
- {
- header: "Activity name",
- sortable: true,
- dataIndex: "activities_name",
- },
- {
- header: "Category",
- sortable: true,
- dataIndex: "activities_category",
- },
- {
- header: "Unit",
- sortable: true,
- dataIndex: "activities_unit",
- },
- {
- header: "Activity type",
- sortable: true,
- dataIndex: "activities_type",
- },
- {
- header: "Description",
- sortable: true,
- dataIndex: "activities_description",
- },
- {
- header: "Bucket size",
- sortable: true,
- dataIndex: "activities_bucketLength",
- },
- {
- header: "File",
- sortable: true,
- dataIndex: "activities_filename",
- },
- {
- header: "Last update",
- sortable: true,
- dataIndex: "activities_lastUpdate",
- renderer: function (value, metaData, record, row, col, store, gridView) {
- return this.renderLastUpdate(value, metaData, record, row, col, store, gridView);
- },
- },
- ],
- rendererChkBox: function (record) {
- return (
- ''
- );
- },
- renderLastUpdate: function (value, metadata, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {
- var lastUpdated = record.data.activities_lastUpdate;
- var timeLimit = 86400 * 30;
- if (lastUpdated > timeLimit) lastUpdated = timeLimit;
- var green = parseInt((200 * (timeLimit - lastUpdated)) / timeLimit);
- var red = parseInt((200 * lastUpdated) / timeLimit);
- return '' + lastUpdated + "";
- },
- bbar: me.activityMonitorToolbar,
- });
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables = "";
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += "
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += "";
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += "";
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += "Variable Name";
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += " | ";
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += "";
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += "Description";
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += " | ";
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += "
- var oVariables = [
- ["$DESCRIPTION", "Description of the activity"],
- ["$SITE", "Site for the originating component"],
- ["$COMPONENTTYPE", "Type of component to generate the activity (for example: service, agent, web)"],
- ["$COMPONENTNAME", "Full name of component"],
- ["$COMPONENTLOCATION", " Location of component"],
- ["$UNIT", "Activity unit"],
- ["$CATEGORY", "Activity category"],
- ];
- for (var i = 0; i < oVariables.length; i++) {
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += "";
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += "";
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += oVariables[i][0];
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += " | ";
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += "";
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += oVariables[i][1];
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += " | ";
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += "
- }
- me.htmlDescriptionVariables += "
- me.mainPanel.add([me.activityMonitorPanel]);
- },
- __buildPlotManagement: function () {
- var me = this;
- me.plotManagementMainPanel = new Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- floatable: false,
- layout: "border",
- header: false,
- border: false,
- items: [],
- defaults: {
- collapsible: true,
- split: true,
- },
- });
- var sGridId = Ext.id();
- var sCheckboxDefinition = "";
- sCheckboxDefinition += '';
- me.plotManagementListPanel = Ext.create("Ext.grid.Panel", {
- region: "south",
- height: 300,
- store: null,
- stateful: true,
- stateId: "ActivityList",
- header: false,
- viewConfig: {
- stripeRows: true,
- enableTextSelection: true,
- },
- columns: [
- {
- header: sCheckboxDefinition,
- name: "checkBox",
- width: 26,
- sortable: false,
- dataIndex: "id",
- renderer: function (value, metaData, record, row, col, store, gridView) {
- return this.rendererChkBox(value);
- },
- hideable: false,
- fixed: true,
- menuDisabled: true,
- align: "center",
- },
- {
- header: "Name",
- sortable: true,
- width: 300,
- dataIndex: "name",
- },
- {
- header: "Variable Fields",
- sortable: true,
- dataIndex: "variable_fields",
- flex: 1,
- },
- ],
- refreshData: function () {
- Ext.Ajax.request({
- url: GLOBAL.BASE_URL + "ActivityMonitor/getStaticPlotViews",
- scope: me,
- success: function (response) {
- var me = this;
- var response = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
- me.plotManagementListPanel.reconfigure(
- new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
- fields: ["id", "name", "variable_fields"],
- data: response.result,
- }),
- undefined
- );
- },
- });
- },
- rendererChkBox: function (val) {
- return '';
- },
- dockedItems: [
- {
- dock: "top",
- xtype: "toolbar",
- border: false,
- items: [
- "->",
- {
- xtype: "button",
- iconCls: "dirac-icon-delete",
- text: "Delete",
- handler: function () {},
- },
- ],
- tooltip: "Delete selected views",
- },
- ],
- });
- me.plotManagementListPanel.refreshData();
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var oTopPanel = new Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- region: "center",
- floatable: false,
- layout: "border",
- header: false,
- defaults: {
- collapsible: true,
- split: true,
- },
- });
- me.viewDefinitionData = {};
- me.viewDefinitionDataForServer = {};
- me.viewDefinitionDataForServerVariable = [];
- me.plotManagementFieldCreator = new Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- region: "west",
- floatable: false,
- layout: "anchor",
- header: false,
- width: 350,
- bodyPadding: 5,
- dockedItems: [
- {
- dock: "top",
- xtype: "toolbar",
- border: false,
- layout: {
- pack: "center",
- },
- items: [
- "->",
- {
- xtype: "button",
- iconCls: "dirac-icon-plus",
- text: "Add to view definition",
- handler: function () {
- var sTypeValue = me.restrictByFieldCreator.getValue();
- var oSelectedValues = me.valuesFieldCreator.getValue();
- if (sTypeValue == null) {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.alert("No data type selected !", "warning");
- return;
- }
- if (me.variableFieldCreator.getValue() || (!me.variableFieldCreator.getValue() && oSelectedValues.length > 0)) {
- var sTypeText = me.restrictByFieldCreator.findRecordByValue(sTypeValue).get("text");
- me.viewDefinitionData[sTypeText] = {
- value: sTypeValue,
- checked: me.variableFieldCreator.getValue(),
- };
- if (me.variableFieldCreator.getValue()) me.viewDefinitionDataForServerVariable.push(sTypeValue);
- else me.viewDefinitionDataForServer[sTypeValue] = oSelectedValues;
- oNodeData = {
- text: sTypeText,
- leaf: false,
- };
- var oRoot = me.plotManagementViewTreeStore.getRootNode();
- var oTypeNode = oRoot.createNode(oNodeData);
- oRoot.appendChild(oTypeNode);
- if (me.variableFieldCreator.getValue()) {
- var oNewNode = oTypeNode.createNode({
- text: "variable value",
- leaf: true,
- });
- oTypeNode.appendChild(oNewNode);
- } else {
- for (var i = 0; i < oSelectedValues.length; i++) {
- var oNewNode = oTypeNode.createNode({
- text: oSelectedValues[i],
- leaf: true,
- });
- oTypeNode.appendChild(oNewNode);
- }
- }
- oRoot.expand();
- oTypeNode.expand();
- // we have to remove the selected option
- me.restrictByFieldCreator.store.remove(me.restrictByFieldCreator.findRecordByValue(sTypeValue));
- // we have to set the value to null
- me.restrictByFieldCreator.setValue(null);
- me.valuesFieldCreator.store.removeAll();
- me.valuesFieldCreator.reset();
- } else {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.alert("No values have been selected !", "warning");
- }
- },
- },
- ],
- },
- ],
- });
- me.restrictByFieldCreator = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", {
- fieldLabel: "Restrict by",
- queryMode: "local",
- labelAlign: "left",
- displayField: "text",
- valueField: "value",
- anchor: "100%",
- editable: false,
- store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
- fields: ["value", "text"],
- data: [
- ["sources.site", "Site"],
- ["sources.componentType", "Component type"],
- ["sources.componentLocation", "Component location"],
- ["sources.componentName", "Component name"],
- ["activities.description", "Activity"],
- ["activities.category", "Activity category"],
- ],
- }),
- value: null,
- listeners: {
- change: function (oComp, sNewValue, sOldValue, eOpts) {
- if (sNewValue != null && Ext.util.Format.trim(sNewValue) != "") {
- Ext.Ajax.request({
- url: GLOBAL.BASE_URL + "ActivityMonitor/queryFieldValue",
- params: {
- queryField: sNewValue,
- selectedFields: Ext.JSON.encode(me.viewDefinitionDataForServer),
- },
- scope: me,
- success: function (response) {
- var response = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
- if (response["success"] == "true") {
- me.valuesFieldCreator.store.removeAll();
- oData = response.result;
- for (var i = 0; i < oData.length; i++) {
- me.valuesFieldCreator.store.add({
- value: Ext.util.Format.trim(oData[i][0]),
- });
- }
- me.valuesFieldCreator.reset();
- } else {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.alert(response["error"], "warning");
- }
- },
- });
- }
- },
- },
- });
- me.valuesFieldCreator = new Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect({
- fieldLabel: "Having values",
- queryMode: "local",
- labelAlign: "left",
- displayField: "value",
- valueField: "value",
- anchor: "100%",
- height: 150,
- store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
- fields: ["value"],
- data: [],
- }),
- });
- me.variableFieldCreator = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.Checkbox", {
- fieldLabel: "Variable field",
- labelAlign: "left",
- });
- me.plotManagementFieldCreator.add([me.restrictByFieldCreator, me.valuesFieldCreator, me.variableFieldCreator]);
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- me.plotManagementViewOptions = new Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- region: "east",
- floatable: false,
- layout: "anchor",
- header: false,
- width: 350,
- bodyPadding: 5,
- dockedItems: [
- {
- dock: "top",
- xtype: "toolbar",
- border: false,
- layout: {
- pack: "center",
- },
- items: [
- "->",
- {
- xtype: "button",
- text: "Test View",
- handler: function () {
- me.oprTestView();
- },
- },
- ],
- },
- ],
- });
- me.checkGroupByViewOptions = new Ext.create("Ext.form.CheckboxGroup", {
- columns: 1,
- vertical: true,
- items: [
- {
- boxLabel: "Site",
- name: "rb",
- inputValue: "sources.site",
- },
- {
- boxLabel: "Component type",
- name: "rb",
- inputValue: "sources.componentType",
- checked: true,
- },
- {
- boxLabel: "Component location",
- name: "rb",
- inputValue: "sources.componentLocation",
- },
- {
- boxLabel: "Component name",
- name: "rb",
- inputValue: "sources.componentName",
- },
- {
- boxLabel: "Activity",
- name: "rb",
- inputValue: "activities.description",
- },
- {
- boxLabel: "Activity category",
- name: "rb",
- inputValue: "activities.category",
- },
- ],
- });
- me.txtActivityLabelViewOptions = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.Text", {
- fieldLabel: "Activities label",
- labelAlign: "left",
- value: "$DESCRIPTION",
- anchor: "100%",
- });
- me.txtViewNameViewOptions = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.Text", {
- fieldLabel: "View name",
- labelAlign: "left",
- anchor: "100%",
- });
- me.txtStackActivityViewOptions = Ext.create("Ext.form.field.Checkbox", {
- fieldLabel: "Stack activities",
- labelAlign: "left",
- });
- me.plotManagementViewOptions.add([
- {
- xtype: "fieldset",
- columnWidth: 0.5,
- title: "Group plots by",
- collapsible: true,
- items: [me.checkGroupByViewOptions],
- },
- me.txtActivityLabelViewOptions,
- me.txtStackActivityViewOptions,
- me.txtViewNameViewOptions,
- ]);
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- me.contextTreeMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
- width: 150,
- items: [
- {
- text: "Delete",
- iconCls: "dirac-icon-delete",
- listeners: {
- click: function () {
- var oNode = me.contextTreeMenu.node;
- if (oNode.isLeaf()) {
- oNode = oNode.parentNode;
- }
- var sType = oNode.data.text;
- me.restrictByFieldCreator.store.add({
- value: me.viewDefinitionData[sType].value,
- text: sType,
- });
- if (me.viewDefinitionData[sType].value in me.viewDefinitionDataForServer) {
- delete me.viewDefinitionDataForServer[me.viewDefinitionData[sType].value];
- } else {
- Ext.Array.remove(me.viewDefinitionDataForServerVariable, me.viewDefinitionData[sType].value);
- }
- delete me.viewDefinitionData[sType];
- var oParentNode = oNode.parentNode;
- oParentNode.removeChild(oNode);
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- moduleObject: me,
- });
- me.plotManagementViewTreeStore = Ext.create("Ext.data.TreeStore", {
- proxy: {
- type: "localstorage",
- id: me.id + "treeStoreLocalStorage",
- },
- root: {
- text: "View Definition",
- },
- });
- me.plotManagementViewTree = new Ext.create("Ext.tree.Panel", {
- region: "center",
- store: me.plotManagementViewTreeStore,
- header: false,
- listeners: {
- beforeitemcontextmenu: function (oView, oNode, item, index, e, eOpts) {
- e.preventDefault();
- if (oNode.data.id != "root") {
- me.contextTreeMenu.node = oNode;
- me.contextTreeMenu.showAt(e.getXY());
- }
- },
- },
- });
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- oTopPanel.add([me.plotManagementFieldCreator, me.plotManagementViewOptions, me.plotManagementViewTree]);
- me.plotManagementMainPanel.add([me.plotManagementListPanel, oTopPanel]);
- me.mainPanel.add(me.plotManagementMainPanel);
- },
- __buildPlotViewer: function () {
- var me = this;
- me.plotViewerMainPanel = new Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- floatable: false,
- layout: "border",
- header: false,
- border: false,
- defaults: {
- collapsible: true,
- split: true,
- },
- });
- Ext.Ajax.request({
- url: GLOBAL.BASE_URL + "ActivityMonitor/getStaticPlotViews",
- scope: me,
- success: function (response) {
- var me = this;
- var response = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
- me.plotViewerListPanel.reconfigure(
- new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
- fields: ["id", "name", "variable_fields"],
- data: response.result,
- }),
- undefined
- );
- },
- });
- me.plotViewerListPanel = Ext.create("Ext.grid.Panel", {
- region: "west",
- width: 250,
- store: null,
- header: false,
- stateful: true,
- stateId: "ActivityViewList",
- viewConfig: {
- stripeRows: true,
- enableTextSelection: true,
- },
- columns: [
- {
- header: "Click on a view to plot it",
- sortable: true,
- dataIndex: "name",
- flex: 1,
- },
- ],
- listeners: {
- cellclick: function (oTable, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts) {
- me.plotViewerResultPanel.removeAll();
- var oNewPlots = me.__buildPlotView(record.get("name"), "");
- me.plotViewerResultPanel.add(oNewPlots);
- },
- },
- });
- me.plotViewerResultPanel = new Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- floatable: false,
- region: "center",
- layout: "border",
- header: false,
- border: false,
- items: [],
- });
- me.plotViewerMainPanel.add([me.plotViewerListPanel, me.plotViewerResultPanel]);
- me.mainPanel.add([me.plotViewerMainPanel]);
- },
- __buildPlotView: function (sViewId, sVariableData) {
- var me = this;
- var oMainPanel = new Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- floatable: false,
- region: "center",
- layout: "border",
- header: false,
- items: [],
- viewId: sViewId,
- });
- var oLeftPanel = new Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- title: "Activity view options",
- floatable: false,
- region: "west",
- layout: "anchor",
- width: 300,
- bodyPadding: 10,
- items: [],
- });
- var oRightPanel = new Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- floatable: false,
- region: "center",
- header: false,
- autoScroll: true,
- layout: {
- type: "table",
- columns: 1,
- },
- });
- var oCalenFrom = new Ext.create("Ext.form.field.Date", {
- width: 100,
- format: "Y-m-d",
- fieldLabel: "From",
- labelAlign: "left",
- hidden: true,
- anchor: "100%",
- });
- var oCalenTo = new Ext.create("Ext.form.field.Date", {
- width: 100,
- format: "Y-m-d",
- fieldLabel: "To",
- labelAlign: "left",
- hidden: true,
- anchor: "100%",
- });
- var oTimeSpan = new Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", {
- labelAlign: "left",
- fieldLabel: "Time Span",
- editable: false,
- store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
- fields: ["value", "text"],
- data: [
- [3600, "Last Hour"],
- [86400, "Last Day"],
- [604800, "Last Week"],
- [2592000, "Last Month"],
- [-1, "Manual Selection"],
- ],
- }),
- displayField: "text",
- valueField: "value",
- anchor: "100%",
- value: 86400,
- listeners: {
- change: function (field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) {
- oCalenFrom.hide();
- oCalenTo.hide();
- switch (newValue) {
- case -1:
- oCalenFrom.show();
- oCalenTo.show();
- break;
- }
- },
- },
- });
- var oPlotSize = new Ext.create("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", {
- labelAlign: "left",
- fieldLabel: "Plot Size",
- editable: false,
- store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
- fields: ["value", "text"],
- data: [
- [0, "Small"],
- [1, "Medium"],
- [2, "Big"],
- [3, "Very Big"],
- ],
- }),
- displayField: "text",
- valueField: "value",
- anchor: "100%",
- value: 1,
- });
- oLeftPanel.add([oTimeSpan, oCalenFrom, oCalenTo, oPlotSize]);
- var oToolbar = new Ext.create("Ext.toolbar.Toolbar", {
- dock: "bottom",
- border: false,
- layout: {
- pack: "center",
- },
- items: [],
- });
- var oSubmitBtn = new Ext.Button({
- text: "Submit",
- margin: 3,
- iconCls: "dirac-icon-submit",
- handler: function () {
- oRightPanel.setLoading(true);
- var oParams = {};
- var bValid = true;
- oParams["id"] = sViewId;
- if (oTimeSpan.getValue() == -1) {
- if (oCalenFrom.getValue() == null || Ext.Date.format(oCalenFrom.getValue(), "Y-m-d") == "") {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.alert("Select a from date", "warning");
- bValid = false;
- }
- if (oCalenTo.getValue() == null || Ext.Date.format(oCalenTo.getValue(), "Y-m-d") == "") {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.alert("Select a to date", "warning");
- bValid = false;
- }
- oParams["timespan"] = -1;
- oParams["fromDate"] = Ext.Date.format(oCalenFrom.getValue(), "Y-m-d");
- oParams["toDate"] = Ext.Date.format(oCalenTo.getValue(), "Y-m-d");
- } else {
- oParams["timespan"] = oTimeSpan.getValue();
- }
- if (sVariableData) {
- oParams["varData"] = Ext.encode(sVariableData);
- }
- oParams["size"] = oPlotSize.getValue();
- if (bValid) {
- Ext.Ajax.request({
- url: GLOBAL.BASE_URL + "ActivityMonitor/plotView",
- params: oParams,
- scope: me,
- success: function (response) {
- oRightPanel.setLoading(false);
- var me = this;
- var response = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
- if (response.success == "true") {
- var plotsList = response.data;
- if (plotsList.length) {
- oRightPanel.removeAll();
- for (var i = 0; i < plotsList.length; i++) {
- var oNewImage = Ext.create("Ext.Img", {
- region: "center",
- src: GLOBAL.BASE_URL + "ActivityMonitor/getPlotImg?file=" + plotsList[i],
- });
- oRightPanel.add(oNewImage);
- }
- }
- } else {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.alert(response.error, "warning");
- }
- },
- });
- }
- },
- });
- var oResetBtn = new Ext.Button({
- text: "Reset",
- margin: 3,
- iconCls: "dirac-icon-reset",
- handler: function () {},
- });
- oToolbar.add([oSubmitBtn, oResetBtn]);
- oLeftPanel.addDocked([oToolbar]);
- oMainPanel.add([oLeftPanel, oRightPanel]);
- return oMainPanel;
- },
- generateViewRequest: function () {
- var me = this;
- if (me.viewDefinitionDataForServer.length == 0) {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.alert("Select at least one non variable restriction", "warning");
- return;
- }
- var oGrouping = me.checkGroupByViewOptions.getValue().rb;
- var sActDesc = me.txtActivityLabelViewOptions.getValue();
- if (!sActDesc) {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.alert("Write the activities description", "warning");
- return;
- }
- var bStack = false;
- if (me.txtStackActivityViewOptions.getValue()) var bStack = true;
- return Ext.JSON.encode({
- groupBy: oGrouping,
- definition: me.viewDefinitionDataForServer,
- variable: me.viewDefinitionDataForServerVariable,
- stacked: bStack,
- label: sActDesc,
- });
- },
- oprTestView: function () {
- var me = this;
- var sViewRequest = me.generateViewRequest();
- if (!sViewRequest) return;
- var sViewName = Ext.util.Format.trim(me.txtViewNameViewOptions.getValue());
- if (sViewName.length == 0) {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.alert("The name of the view is missing.", "warning");
- return;
- }
- me.getContainer().body.mask("Wait ...");
- Ext.Ajax.request({
- url: GLOBAL.BASE_URL + "ActivityMonitor/tryView",
- success: function (response) {
- var response = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
- if (response.success == "true") {
- var plotsList = response.images;
- if (plotsList.length) {
- var oWindow = me.getContainer().createChildWindow(sViewName, false, 700, 500);
- var oPlotContainer = Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- floatable: false,
- region: "center",
- header: false,
- autoScroll: true,
- layout: {
- type: "table",
- columns: 1,
- },
- dockedItems: [
- {
- xtype: "toolbar",
- dock: "top",
- items: [
- {
- xtype: "button",
- text: "Save view",
- handler: function () {
- var sViewRequest = me.generateViewRequest();
- if (!sViewRequest) return;
- var sViewName = Ext.util.Format.trim(me.txtViewNameViewOptions.getValue());
- if (sViewName.length == 0) {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.alert("The name of the view is missing.", "warning");
- return;
- }
- me.getContainer().body.mask("Wait ...");
- Ext.Ajax.request({
- url: GLOBAL.BASE_URL + "ActivityMonitor/saveView",
- success: function (response) {
- var response = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
- if (response.success == "true") {
- me.plotManagementListPanel.store.load();
- } else {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.alert("Error: " + response.error, "warning");
- }
- me.getContainer().body.unmask();
- },
- failure: function (oRequest) {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.showAjaxErrorMessage(response);
- me.getContainer().body.unmask();
- },
- params: {
- plotRequest: sViewRequest,
- viewName: sViewName,
- },
- });
- },
- },
- ],
- },
- ],
- });
- for (var i = 0; i < plotsList.length; i++) {
- var oNewImage = Ext.create("Ext.Img", {
- src: GLOBAL.BASE_URL + "ActivityMonitor/getPlotImg?file=" + plotsList[i],
- });
- oPlotContainer.add(oNewImage);
- }
- oWindow.add(oPlotContainer);
- oWindow.show();
- }
- } else {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.alert(response.error, "warning");
- }
- me.getContainer().body.unmask();
- },
- failure: function (oRequest) {
- GLOBAL.APP.CF.alert("Error: " + oRequest.statusText, "warning");
- me.getContainer().body.unmask();
- },
- params: {
- plotRequest: sViewRequest,
- timeLength: "day",
- viewName: sViewName,
- },
- });
- },
- __buildSystemViewer: function () {
- var me = this;
- me.systemPlotViewerMainPanel = new Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- floatable: false,
- layout: "border",
- header: false,
- border: false,
- defaults: {
- collapsible: true,
- split: true,
- },
- });
- me.systemPlotsTreeStore = Ext.create("Ext.data.TreeStore", {
- model: "DIRAC.ActivityMonitor.classes.ActivityTreeModel",
- fields: ["text", "component"],
- scope: me,
- proxy: {
- type: "ajax",
- url: GLOBAL.BASE_URL + "ActivityMonitor/getDynamicPlotViews",
- },
- root: {
- text: "/",
- id: "/Systems",
- expanded: true,
- },
- folderSort: true,
- sorters: [
- {
- property: "text",
- direction: "ASC",
- },
- ],
- listeners: {
- collapse: function (oNode, eOpts) {
- me.__oprUnsetPathAsExpanded(me.__getNodePath(oNode), true);
- },
- expand: function (oNode, eOpts) {
- me.__oprPathAsExpanded(me.__getNodePath(oNode), true);
- },
- scope: me,
- },
- });
- me.systemPlotViewerTreePanel = Ext.create("Ext.tree.TreePanel", {
- region: "west",
- width: 250,
- store: me.systemPlotsTreeStore,
- listeners: {
- itemclick: function (record, item, index, e, eOpts) {
- console.log(record);
- if (item.get("component") != "") {
- me.systemPlotViewerResultPanel.removeAll();
- var varData = {
- "sources.componentName": item.get("component"),
- };
- var oNewPlots = me.__buildPlotView("Dynamic component view", varData);
- me.systemPlotViewerResultPanel.add(oNewPlots);
- }
- },
- },
- });
- me.systemPlotViewerResultPanel = new Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
- floatable: false,
- region: "center",
- layout: "border",
- header: false,
- border: false,
- items: [],
- });
- me.systemPlotViewerMainPanel.add([me.systemPlotViewerTreePanel, me.systemPlotViewerResultPanel]);
- me.mainPanel.add([me.systemPlotViewerMainPanel]);
- },
- __oprUnsetPathAsExpanded: function (sPath) {
- var me = this;
- var oParts = sPath.split("/");
- // The first element is always empty
- var oTemp = me.expansionState;
- var oStartIndex = 0;
- if (sPath == "/") oStartIndex = 1;
- for (var i = oStartIndex; i < oParts.length; i++) {
- if (oParts[i] in oTemp) {
- if (i == oParts.length - 1) {
- delete oTemp[oParts[i]];
- } else {
- oTemp = oTemp[oParts[i]];
- }
- }
- }
- },
- __oprPathAsExpanded: function (sPath, bInsertIntoStructure) {
- var me = this;
- var oParts = sPath.split("/");
- // The first element is always empty
- var oTemp = me.expansionState;
- var oFound = true;
- var oStartIndex = 0;
- if (sPath == "/") oStartIndex = 1;
- for (var i = oStartIndex; i < oParts.length; i++) {
- if (oParts[i] in oTemp) {
- oTemp = oTemp[oParts[i]];
- } else {
- oFound = false;
- if (bInsertIntoStructure) {
- oTemp[oParts[i]] = {};
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return oFound;
- },
- __getNodePath: function (oNode) {
- var sPath = "";
- var oCopyRefNode = oNode;
- while (oCopyRefNode) {
- if (oCopyRefNode.data.id) sPath = "/" + oCopyRefNode.data.id + sPath;
- else break;
- oCopyRefNode = oCopyRefNode.parentNode;
- }
- if (!sPath) return "/";
- return sPath;
- },
diff --git a/src/WebAppDIRAC/WebApp/static/DIRAC/ActivityMonitor/classes/ActivityTreeModel.js b/src/WebAppDIRAC/WebApp/static/DIRAC/ActivityMonitor/classes/ActivityTreeModel.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b824f1e5d..000000000
--- a/src/WebAppDIRAC/WebApp/static/DIRAC/ActivityMonitor/classes/ActivityTreeModel.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Ext.define("DIRAC.ActivityMonitor.classes.ActivityTreeModel", {
- extend: "Ext.data.Model",
- fields: ["text", "component"],
- alias: "widget.activityTreemodel",
diff --git a/src/WebAppDIRAC/WebApp/static/DIRAC/ActivityMonitor/css/ActivityMonitor.css b/src/WebAppDIRAC/WebApp/static/DIRAC/ActivityMonitor/css/ActivityMonitor.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cd02ef76..000000000
--- a/src/WebAppDIRAC/WebApp/static/DIRAC/ActivityMonitor/css/ActivityMonitor.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-.am-main-check-box {
- margin: 3px 0px 3px 0px !important;