For this project I've made a website with 3 pages:
At first, I planed practicing work with bootstrap, it wasn't difficult, but after css grid it was very painful. Also, I used JQuery instead of Native Js, but the project wasn't very big so, I didn't find many places to apply it. And finally, Sass, or better to say Scss. This's one of the best things I've ever learned — using it was a real pleasure for me. Also, during the project I've written Custom-border-mixin and Custom-gutters-bootstrap-plagin on Sass which are worth looking at. With Sass, I was able to separate my project into modules that made development easier than in times when all styles were in one place. For this, I used 7-1 architecture pattern, which I adopted from the sass-boilerplate.
That's all... I'm going to delve into Js next.