diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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+++ b/README.md
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Meteor Zewo2 Addon

-## Info:
-**- Meteor Addon**
+## Info
+This is a Meteor Addon and requires the use of [Meteor Client](https://meteorclient.com/)
+## Installation
+1. Grab the latest JAR file from the [releases](https://github.com/Dark-Developments/Zewo2-Addon/releases) tab.
+2. Run 1.20.2 Vanilla
+3. Close out of the game and close your launcher completely. *The Store version likes to chill in the background. So kill it with Task Manager*
+4. Download the Fabric Installer from https://fabricmc.net
+5. Run the Fabric Installer and install Fabric for Minecraft 1.20.2
+7. Open your .minecraft folder. This process varies per Operation System.
+8. When you've got your .minecraft folder open, navigate to the folder called mods
+9. Drag the .jar file into the folder and run Minecraft 1.20.2 Fabric (with Meteor Client)
-## Installation:
+Your done now and the Client should be working as expected! If not please join the [Discord](https://discord.gg/kja3YYV7R9) and we will be happy to help!
-**- Install The .jar**
-**- Download Fabric Loader From https://fabricmc.net**
-**- Run 1.20.1 Vanilla**
-**- Run the Fabric Loader and Pick Version 1.20.1 (Default)**
-**- Click Win + R and put %appdata% in the text box**
-**- Navigate to the ".minecraft" folder then "mods"**
-**- Add the .jar to the mods folder and Run Minecraft 1.20.1 Fabric (With meteor client)**
-**Your Done Now The Client Should be working as expected! If Not Please Join this discord ( https://discord.gg/kja3YYV7R9 ) and we will be happy to help!**
+### Incompatibilities
+- NumbyHack (caused by Mixin Conflict in DiscordPRC)
## Setup
### Install Stable Version
-click [here](https://github.com/Dark-Developments/Zewo2-Addon/releases) for releases
+Click [here](https://github.com/Dark-Developments/Zewo2-Addon/releases) for releases
### Install Dev build
-Build the Jar from Source directly
+Build the JAR from source directly.
-**WARNING**: Dev builds a unstable.
+**WARNING**: Dev builds are unstable.
## Disclaimer
For educational purposes only. Use at your own risk.