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Installing airflow

See this blog article:

make sure you are using pip3 and python3.

$sudo apt-get install python-pip3 pip3 install --upgrade pip

Create a airflow user and create a db for airflow

$sudo -u postgres psql Now that we are on postgres as the postgres user, run the following commands: CREATE ROLE airflow; create database airflow; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on database airflow to airflow; ALTER ROLE airflow SUPERUSER; ALTER ROLE airflow CREATEDB; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO airflow; ALTER USER airflow WITH PASSWORD 'datasf_airflow'; ALTER ROLE airflow WITH LOGIN; ALTER USER 'airflow' WITH PASSWORD 'some password';

Now update the psql configs:

You will need to find the location of the pg_hba.conf file (it's likely in /etc/postgresql/9.*/main/). Open the file with a text editor (vi, emacs or nano), and change the ipv4 address to and the ipv4 connection method from md5 (password) to trust if you don't want to use a password to connect to the database. In the meantime, we also need to configure the postgresql.conf file to open the listen address to all ip addresses:

listen_addresses = '*'.

And we need to start a postgresql service

$sudo service postgresql start And any time we modify the connection information, we need to reload the postgresql service for the modification to be recognized by the service:

$sudo service postgresql reload

Install some dependecies for airflow

$sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev (dependency for airflow[mysql] package) $sudo apt-get install libssl-dev (dependency for airflow[cryptograph] package)
$sudo apt-get install libkrb5-dev (dependency for airflow[kerbero] package) $sudo apt-get install libsasl2-dev (dependency for airflow[hive] package):`

now time to install airflow

Add airflow user $sudo useradd airflow $sudo passwd airflow

export the airflow home dir $export AIRFLOW_HOME=/home/airflow/airflow $sudo pip2 install "airflow[async, devel, celery, crypto,password, postgres, qds, rabbitmq, slack]"

Modify the airflow config to use psql

sql_alchemy_conn = postgresql+psycopg2://airflow:somepass@ from sqlalchemy import create_engine engine = create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://airflow:somepass@')

Other notes: killing all the airflow tasks:

make sure the pid files are removed $ rm airflow-scheduler.* $ rm

Or check the processes: ps -ef | grep airflow | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9

Resetting the postgres db:

airflow resetdb

Creating an airflow user for the airflow web UI

You will need to create user to log into the airflow web UI ==> you will do this from python cmd line interface

run $ python3

That will bring you into the python interface >>> import airflow from airflow import models, settings from airflow.contrib.auth.backends.password_auth import PasswordUser user = PasswordUser(models.User()) user.username = 'datasf' = '' user.password = 'somepass' session = settings.Session() session.add(user) session.commit() session.close() exit()

Restarting or starting the airflow scheduler as a daemon service:

airflow scheduler -D

start airflow webserver as a daemon service

airflow webserver -D -p 8080

Taking backups

Make a pg user for backups ALTER USER backup_admin WITH PASSWORD 'some password' this will call on this user in a backup script