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Vitis AI Tutorials

TensorFlow2 and Vitis AI design flow

This tutorial shows you how to compile and run the same identical design and application code on a number of different Xilinx cards. The virtually seamless transition between Edge and Cloud is made possible by the Vitis™ AI RunTime (VART) which is common to all target platforms and its unified APIs.

Current status

  • Tested on ZCU102, Alveo U50
  • Tools used: TensorFlow2.3 & Vitis AI 1.4


We will run the following steps:

  • Download and preparation of the Kaggle dogs-vs-cats dataset. Conversion of images to TFRecords.
  • Training and evaluation of a custom CNN using TensorFlow's built-in version of Keras.
  • Quantization of the floating-point model using the Xilinx® quantizer provided as part of Vitis AI.
  • Evaluation of the quantized model using the dogs-vs-cats test dataset.
  • Compilation of the quantized model for execution on the target boards.
  • Execution of the network on the target boards with the provided Python scripts.

The complete flow and the tools used at each step is shown in the figure below:

Complete flow

The Kaggle Dogs-vs-Cats Dataset

The Kaggle dog-vs-cats dataset consists of 25000 images of varying dimensions, divided into the two classes of cat and dog. Each image is intrinsically labelled or classified by its filename, for example the image with filename cat.12.jpg is obviously of class cat.

There is also a set of labelled images which were part of the original Kaggle dogs-vs-cats challenge, but we will ignore this set and only use the 25000 images that are contained in the archive.

The 25000 images are all resized to 200 x 250 pixels and then divided into one of the train, validation or test datasets. The size of 200 x 250 pixels was chosen after studying the distribution of the aspect ratios in the dataset and to keep training times reasonable.

The Convolutional Neural Network

The script uses the Keras Functional API to describe the simple CNN. It is a fully convolutional network and has no fully connected or dense layers. There are also no pooling layers — data reduction is achieved by using convolutional layers that have strides greater than one.

The CNN has deliberately been kept simple (so the expected prediction accuracy will not be much higher than approximately 95%. To reduce overfitting, batch normalization, dropout and L2 kernel regularization have been used.

Custom CNN architecture

The number of skip blocks and the number of filters used in each one is set by the 'filters' list argument - one skip block will be created for each element in the list.

Before You Begin

The host machine has several requirements that need to be met before we begin. You will need:

  • An x86 host machine with a supported OS and either the CPU or GPU versions of the Vitis-AI docker installed - see System Requirements.

  • The host machine will require Docker to be installed and the Vitis-AI CPU or GPU docker image to be built - see Getting Started.

  • A GPU card suitable for training.

  • If you plan to use the ZCU102 evaluation board, it should be prepared with the board image as per the Step2: Setup the Target instructions. Hints on how to connect the various cables to the ZCU102 are also available here.

  • For the Alveo U50, follow the Setup Alveo Accelerator Card instructions.

For more details, refer to the latest version of the Vitis AI User Guide (UG1414).

This tutorial assumes the user is familiar with Python3, TensorFlow and has some knowledge of machine learning principles.

Setting up the workspace and dataset

  1. Copy the repository by doing either of the following:

    • Download the repository as a ZIP file to the host machine, and then unzip the archive.
    • From a terminal, use the git clone command.
  2. Download the Kaggle dogs-vs-cats dataset.

    • Go to the Kaggle website and register a new account if necessary.
    • Download the dataset.
    • Move into the files folder in the design repository, which is the same folder that contains the python (.py) and shell (.sh) scripts.

    The Kaggle dog-vs-cats dataset consists of 25,000 images of varying dimensions, divided into two classes: cat and dog. Each image is intrinsically labelled or classified by its filename (for example, cat.12.jpg).

    There is a set of unlabelled images which were part of the original Kaggle dogs-vs-cats challenge, but we will not use it in this tutorial. Only the 25000 images that are contained in the archive will be used.

  3. Open a linux terminal, cd to the repository folder, and then cd to the files folder.

  4. Start the Vitis AI GPU docker:

    # navigate to tutorial folder
    cd <path_to_tutorial>/files
    # to start GPU docker container
    ./ xilinx/vitis-ai-gpu:latest

The docker container will start and after accepting the license agreement, you should see something like this in the terminal:

 __      ___ _   _                   _____
 \ \    / (_) | (_)            /\   |_   _|
  \ \  / / _| |_ _ ___ ______ /  \    | |
   \ \/ / | | __| / __|______/ /\ \   | |
    \  /  | | |_| \__ \     / ____ \ _| |_
     \/   |_|\__|_|___/    /_/    \_\_____|

 Docker Image Version:  1.4.776
 Build Date: 2021-06-22
 VAI_ROOT: /opt/vitis_ai

 For TensorFlow 1.15 Workflows do:
      conda activate vitis-ai-tensorflow 
 For Caffe Workflows do:
      conda activate vitis-ai-caffe 
 For Neptune Workflows do:
      conda activate vitis-ai-neptune 
 For PyTorch Workflows do:
      conda activate vitis-ai-pytorch 
 For TensorFlow 2.3 Workflows do:
      conda activate vitis-ai-tensorflow2 
 For Darknet Optimizer Workflows do:
      conda activate vitis-ai-optimizer_darknet 
 For Caffe Optimizer Workflows do:
      conda activate vitis-ai-optimizer_caffe 
 For TensorFlow 1.15 Workflows do:
      conda activate vitis-ai-optimizer_tensorflow 
 For LSTM Workflows do:
      conda activate vitis-ai-lstm 
 Vitis-AI /workspace > 

💡 If you get a "Permission Denied" error when starting the docker container, it is almost certainly because the script is not set to be executable. You can fix this by running the following command:

 chmod +x

Activate the Tensorflow2 python virtual environment with conda activate vitis-ai-tensorflow2 and you should see the prompt change to indicate that the environment is active:

Vitis-AI /workspace > conda activate vitis-ai-tensorflow2
(vitis-ai-tensorflow2) Vitis-AI /workspace > 

The remainder of this README describes each single step to implement the tutorial, however a shell script called is provided which will run the complete flow:

(vitis-ai-tensorflow2) Vitis-AI /workspace > source

Step 0 - Converting the dataset images to TFRecords

To run step 0:

(vitis-ai-tensorflow2) Vitis-AI /workspace > python -u 2>&1 | tee tfrec.log

To speed up training, the JPEG images of the dogs-vs-cats dataset will be converted into the TFRecord format. The script will do the following:

  • Unzip the archive into the folder set by the --dataset_dir argument.
  • Split the images into the train and test datasets, ensuring a balance between classes.
  • Convert each image and label into a TFRecord. The TFRecord files are written into .tfrecord files in the folder deefined by the --tfrec_dir argument.
  • Move the test images to a separate folder for later use on the target.

Each TFRecord has five fields that are defined by the feature dictionary:

# features dictionary
feature_dict = {
  'label' : _int64_feature(label),
  'height': _int64_feature(image_shape[0]),
  'width' : _int64_feature(image_shape[1]),
  'chans' : _int64_feature(image_shape[2]),
  'image' : _bytes_feature(image)

The label is obtained by looking at the first part of the image file name and assigning either '0' for dog or '1' for cat:

class_name,_ = img.split('.',1)
if class_name == 'dog':
  label = 0
  label = 1

Each JPEG image file is read into a TensorFlow string (tf.string) and its shape is obtained from the JPEG header - this avoids having to JPEG decode the image which means the script runs faster and also the TFRecord files are more compact:

# read the JPEG source file into a tf.string
image =

# get the shape of the image from the JPEG file header
image_shape =, output_type=tf.dtypes.int32, name=None)

The number of image/label pairs in each .tfrecord file is defined by the --img_shard argument.

Step 1 - Training

To run step 1:

(vitis-ai-tensorflow2) Vitis-AI /workspace > python -u 2>&1 | tee train.log

During training, the TFRecord files are read into the pipeline by the input_fn_trn function defined in This function finds all TFRecord files whose names match the pattern train_*.tfrecord and creates a object. The function also includes all the image pre-processing (resizing and random cropping, augmentation and normalization):

def input_fn_trn(tfrec_dir,batchsize,height,width):
    Dataset creation and augmentation for training
    tfrecord_files ='{}/train_*.tfrecord'.format(tfrec_dir), shuffle=True)
    dataset =
    dataset =,
    dataset = x,y: resize_crop(x,y,h=height,w=width),
    dataset = dataset.batch(batchsize, drop_remainder=False)
    dataset =,
    dataset =,
    dataset = dataset.prefetch(
    dataset = dataset.repeat()
    return dataset

The validation phase uses the input_fn_test function which will make a dataset from all TFRecord files which match the glob pattern test_*.tfrecord. Note how there is no augmentation, only resizing and normalization and the dataset does not repeat:

def input_fn_test(tfrec_dir,batchsize,height,width):
    Dataset creation and augmentation for test
    tfrecord_files ='{}/test_*.tfrecord'.format(tfrec_dir), shuffle=False)
    dataset =
    dataset =,
    dataset = x,y: resize_crop(x,y,h=height,w=width),
    dataset = dataset.batch(batchsize, drop_remainder=False)
    dataset =,
    dataset = dataset.prefetch(
    return dataset

The complete list of command line arguments of are as follows:

Argument Default Description
--input_height 200 Input images are resized to input_height x input_width
--input_width 250 Input images are resized to input_height x input_width
--input_chan 3 Number of channels in input image - leave at default
--tfrec_dir tfrecords Folder containing TFRecord files
--batchsize 50 Batchsize used in training and validation - adjust for memory capacity of your GPU(s)
--epochs 250 Number of training epochs
--learnrate 0.001 Initial learning rate for optimizer
--chkpt_dir float_model Folder where trained checkpoint will be written
--tboard tb_logs Folder where TensorBoard logs will be written

Step 2 - Quantization

To run step 2:

(vitis-ai-tensorflow2) Vitis-AI /workspace > python -u --evaluate 2>&1 | tee quantize.log

The Xilinx DPU family of ML accelerators execute CNN models that have their parameters in integer format so we must convert the trained, floating-point checkpoint into a fixed-point integer checkpoint - this process is known as quantization.

The script will do the following:

  • Make a folder (default name is quant_model) to contain the quantized model in HDF5 format.
  • Create a object using the input_fn_quant defined in
    • this is used to provide images for calibration.
  • Run the quantization process using the Vitis-AI quantizer plug-in for TensorFlow2.
  • Save the quantized HDF5 model to the folder indicated by the --quant_model command line argument.
  • If the --evaluate command line argument is included, then the script will evaluate the accuracy of the quantized model using the same test dataset that was used for validation during training.

Step 3 - Compiling for the target

To run step 3, run the source with one of the target boards as a command line argument, for example:

(vitis-ai-tensorflow2) Vitis-AI /workspace > source zcu102

The script also supports zcu104,vck190 and u50, as a command line arguments to target other boards. The shell script will compile the quantized model and create an .xmodel file which contains the instructions and data to be executed by the DPU.

Step 4 - Running the application on the target

To prepare the images, xmodel and application code for copying to the selected target, run the following command:

(vitis-ai-tensorflow2) Vitis-AI /workspace > python -u -m compiled_zcu102/customcnn.xmodel -t target_zcu102 2>&1 | tee target_zcu102.log

The script will do the following:

  • Resize the test images and copy them to the target folder.
    • the number of images is set by the --num_images command line argument which defaults to 1000.
  • Copy the compiled model to the target folder.
  • Copy the Python application code to the target folder.


The entire target_zcu102 folder should be copied to the ZCU102. Copy it to the /home/root folder of the flashed SD card, this can be done in one of several ways:

  1. Direct copy to SD Card:
  • If the host machine has an SD card slot, insert the flashed SD card and when it is recognised you will see two volumes, BOOT and ROOTFS. Navigate into the ROOTFS and then into the /home folder. Make the ./root folder writeable by issuing the command sudo chmod -R 777 root and then copy the entire target_zcu102 folder from the host machine into the /home/root folder of the SD card.

  • Unmount both the BOOT and ROOTFS volumes from the host machine and then eject the SD Card from the host machine.

  1. With scp command:
  • If the target evaluation board is connected to the same network as the host machine, the target_zcu102 folder can be copied using scp.

  • The command will be something like scp -r ./build/target_zcu102 root@ assuming that the target board IP address is - adjust this as appropriate for your system.

  • If the password is asked for, insert 'root'.

With the target_zcu102 folder copied to the SD Card and the evaluation board booted, you can issue the command for launching the application - note that this done on the target evaluation board, not the host machine, so it requires a connection to the board such as a serial connection to the UART or an SSH connection via Ethernet.

The application can be started by navigating into the target_zcu102 folder on the evaluation board and then issuing the command python3 The application will start and after a few seconds will show the throughput in frames/sec, like this:

root@xilinx-zcu102-2021_1:~# cd target_zcu102/
root@xilinx-zcu102-2021_1:~/target_zcu102# python3
Command line options:
 --image_dir :  images
 --threads   :  1
 --model     :  customcnn.xmodel
Pre-processing 1000 images...
Starting 1 threads...
Throughput=377.79 fps, total frames = 1000, time=2.6470 seconds
Post-processing 1000 images..
Correct:960, Wrong:40, Accuracy:0.9600

The throughput can be improved by increasing the number of threads with the --threads option:

root@xilinx-zcu102-2021_1:~/target_zcu102# python3 --threads 8
Command line options:
 --image_dir :  images
 --threads   :  8
 --model     :  customcnn.xmodel
Pre-processing 1000 images...
Starting 8 threads...
Throughput=1055.84 fps, total frames = 1000, time=0.9471 seconds
Post-processing 1000 images..
Correct:960, Wrong:40, Accuracy:0.9600

ZCU104 and VCK190

The procedure is identical to that described above for the ZCU102 board - just use either the target_zcu104 or target_vck190 folder instead of the target_zcu10 folder.

Alveo U50

To prepare the images, xmodel and application code for copying to the selected target, run the following command:

(vitis-ai-tensorflow2) Vitis-AI /workspace > python -u -m compiled_u50/customcnn.xmodel -t target_u50 2>&1 | tee target_u50.log

Note that the U50 will need to have been flashed with the correct deployment shell - this should have been done in the 'Preparing the host machine and target boards' section above.

The following steps should be run from inside the Vitis-AI Docker container:

  • Ensure that Vitis-AI's TensorFlow2 conda environment is enabled (if not, the run conda activate vitis-ai-tensorflow2).

  • Run source DPUCAHX8H which sets environment variables to point to the correct overlay for the U50. The complete steps to run are as follows:

conda activate vitis-ai-tensorflow2
source DPUCAHX8H
cd build/target_u50

The expected console output will be like this:

(vitis-ai-tensorflow2) Vitis-AI /workspace/build/target_u50 > /usr/bin/python3
Command line options:
 --image_dir :  images
 --threads   :  1
 --model     :  customcnn.xmodel
Pre-processing 1000 images...
Starting 1 threads...
Throughput=1322.94 fps, total frames = 1000, time=0.7559 seconds
Post-processing 1000 images..
Correct:960, Wrong:40, Accuracy:0.9600

As with the ZCU102, the performance can be increased by using more threads:

(vitis-ai-tensorflow2) Vitis-AI /workspace/build/target_u50 > /usr/bin/python3 -t 6
Command line options:
 --image_dir :  images
 --threads   :  6
 --model     :  customcnn.xmodel
Pre-processing 1000 images...
Starting 6 threads...
Throughput=2442.85 fps, total frames = 1000, time=0.4094 seconds
Post-processing 1000 images..
Correct:960, Wrong:40, Accuracy:0.9600

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