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Tested with Vitis AI 1.3
Tested with Vitis 2020.2
Tested in hardware on VCK190
Tested with VCK190 base platform
Date: 15 Mar 2021
Vitis AI, understood as the Xilinx’s development stack for AI inference on unified Xilinx hardware platforms has minimize the differentiation for model deployment flow on Versal devices. If you are looking for a quick machine learning inference demo on VCK190, this is probably not the tutorial you are looking for. Please visit the Versal DPU Early Access page and download the image file, which contains a pre-built working design for the VCK190 with the DPUCVDX8G (renamed shortly as "XVDPU"). This tutorial is design orienated and will start from platform integration which allow the user to do some hardware level customization if required.
Generally speaking, users can easily get the inference work on VCK190 with following three steps.
- Re-target to the new VCK190 platform during DPU integration
- Re-compile the model based on VCK190 hardware constraint
- Inference on board with the compiled model.
However, as the Versal device is still in EA stage during Vitis AI 1.3 release. There are some optimizations required to achive the best performance on board.
This section will lead you through the steps necessary to complete the integration .
- An x86 host machine with that meets the sytem requirements and internet access to download files.
- Host machine with Xilinx design tools pre-installed (Vitis 2020.2 / Vivado 2020.2 / Petalinux 2020.2)
- Register to Xilinx Versal DPU Early Access lounge
Visit Versal DPU EA lounge and download the Versal DPU TRD as a zip file and then unzipped to a folder.
$ unzip xvdpu_trd_release-master.zip
Set the $TRD_HOME environment variable to the directory where you unzip the file.
Make sure the Early Access devices (Refer to VCK190 EA Page ) are enabled by adding the following line to each of the tcl scripts:
enable_beta_device *
Open a linux terminal. Set the linux as Bash mode.
$ source <vitis install path>/Vitis/2020.2/settings64.sh
$ source opt/xilinx/xrt/setup.sh
$ source <petaLinux_tool_install_dir>/settings.sh
Visit the VCK190 Base Platform TRD page and find the platform suits your application better. Download the corresponding reference design to the host machine as a zip file and then unzipped to a folder. Here I will take the platform1 as an example.
$ cd $TRD_HOME
<$TRD_HOME>$ unzip rdf0610-vck190_base_trd_platform1_2020.2_v0.5.zip
Note: It is assumed the platform is downloaded to the directory of $TRD_HOME.
Please take Versal Custom Platform Creation Tutorial as a reference if you are building petalinux project from scratch. The following instructions assumes that the project is created based on the bsp file within the base platform repository.
<$TRD_HOME>$ cd vck190_base_trd_platform1_2020.2_v0.5/petalinux
<$TRD_HOME>/vck190_base_trd_platform1_2020.2_v0.5/petalinux$ petalinux-create -t project -s xilinx-vck190-prod-base-trd-platform1-2020.2.bsp
<$TRD_HOME>/vck190_base_trd_platform1_2020.2_v0.5/petalinux$ cd xilinx-vck190-prod-base-trd-platform1-2020.2
<$TRD_HOME>/vck190_base_trd_platform1_2020.2_v0.5/petalinux/xilinx-vck190-prod-base-trd-platform1-2020.2$ petalinux-config
A petalinux-config menu would be launched, Set to modify the format of rootfs package in this configuration window.
- Select Image Packaging Configuration -> Root filesystem formats
- Modify it to
. - Select OK -> Exit -> Exit -> Yes to close this window.
As the Vitis AI packages for versal devices are not included in the 2020.2 release, the following steps are required to copy the corresponding recipes manually from Versal DPU TRD.
<$TRD_HOME>/vck190_base_trd_platform1_2020.2_v0.5/petalinux/xilinx-vck190-prod-base-trd-platform1-2020.2$ cd <$TRD_HOME>/vck190_platform/petalinux
<$TRD_HOME>/vck190_platform/petalinux$ petalinux-create -t project -s xilinx-vck190-base-trd.bsp
<$TRD_HOME>/vck190_platform/petalinux$ cp -r xilinx-vck190-base-trd-bsp/project-spec/meta-user/{recipes-vai,recipes-core} <$TRD_HOME>/vck190_base_trd_platform1_2020.2_v0.5/petalinux/xilinx-vck190-prod-base-trd-platform1-2020.2/project-spec/meta-user
<$TRD_HOME>/vck190_platform/petalinux$ cd <$TRD_HOME>/vck190_base_trd_platform1_2020.2_v0.5/petalinux/xilinx-vck190-prod-base-trd-platform1-2020.2
From any directory within the PetaLinux project, build the PetaLinux project.
<$TRD_HOME>/vck190_base_trd_platform1_2020.2_v0.5/petalinux/xilinx-vck190-prod-base-trd-platform1-2020.2$ petalinux-build
The PetaLinux image and rootfs files will be generated in /images/linux directory.
Enter the vitis_prj folder to modify the Makefile based on new platform and software package.
<$TRD_HOME>/vck190_base_trd_platform1_2020.2_v0.5/petalinux/xilinx-vck190-prod-base-trd-platform1-2020.2$ cd <$TRD_HOME>/vitis_prj
<$TRD_HOME>/vitis_prj$ vim Makefile
Disable the post_linker.tcl in v++ compiler to let the Vitis create the block design automatically.
Then compile the DPU with following command.
<$TRD_HOME>/vitis_prj$ make files
<$TRD_HOME>/vitis_prj$ make all
You will find the BOOT.BIN and sd_card.img generated in the package_out folder.
The DPU integration is finished after Step 2 and user could follow the instructions on Versal DPU Early Access page to download the models and images for further validation.
However, as the VCK190 base platform is not adapted to the DPU very well, there are some optimization can apply to achieve a better performance.
For advanced Vivido users, you could directly use post_linker.tcl to finish the modification. A reference tcl file is attached in this tutorial as an example. The recommanded approach is to open the Vivado project and do the modification to the block design. The vivado project can be found at
- Open the prj.xpr design with Vivado
- Double-click the platform (yellow item)
Then you will find the block design as below popping up
- Double click the block ai_engine_0
- Change the AI Engine Core Frequency to 1333MHz
- Click OK to close the dialog
- Double click the block NOC_0
- Click the General tab
- Increase the Number of AXI Slave Interfaces to 27
- Increase the Number of AXI Slave Clocks to 13
- Click the Inputs tab
- Change the clock of new added S15_AXI to S26_AXI to aclk12
- Click the Connectivity tab
- Add the connections as shown below
- Click the QoS tab
- Change Bandwidth Read of S15_AXI to 64
- Change Bandwidth Read from S16_AXI to S21_AXI to 1000
- Change Bandwidth Read from S22_AXI to S25_AXI to 6000
- Change Read Traffic Class from S22_AXI to S25_AXI to LOW_LATENCY
- Change Bandwidth Read of S26_AXI to 1000
- Change Bandwidth Write from S15_AXI to S26_AXI to 32
- Click OK to close the dialog
- Disconnect the default connections of Pins from M00_INSTR_AXI.INSERT_VIP to M00_BIAS_AXI.INSERT_VIP of Block DPUCVDX8G
- Connect the Pins from M00_INSTR_AXI.INSERT_VIP to M00_BIAS_AXI.INSERT_VIP of Block DPUCVDX8G to S15_AXI to S26_AXI of NOC_0
Add the clocking wizard block to generate three clocks:
- Right click Diagram view and select Add IP.
- Search for and add a Clocking Wizard from the IP Search dialog.
- Rename the clock block to clk_wiz_accel
- Double-click the clk_wiz_accel IP block to open the Re-Customize IP dialog box.
- Click the Output Clocks tab.
- Enable clk_out1 the Output Clock column. Set the Output Freq Requested to 333
- Click the Optional Ports tab.
- Enable Reset port and At the bottom of the dialog box set the Reset Type to Active Low.
Add Processor System Reset blocks corresponging to the three clocks:
- Right click Diagram view and select Add IP.
- Search for and add a Processor System Reset from the IP Search dialog
- Rename the reset block to rst_processor_333MHz so that it's easy to understand the relationship between reset modules and the clock signals.
Disconnect the default connections of Pins from ap_clk to dpu_2x_resetn of Block DPUCVDX8G
Disconnect the default connection of Pins ap_clk0 of Block ai_engine_0
Connect new Clocks and Resets with DPUCVDX8G as follows
clk_wiz_accel/resetn with CIPS_0/pl0_resetn
clk_wiz_accel/clk_in1 with CIPS_0/pl0_ref_clk
clk_wiz_accel/clk_out_333 with rst_processor_333MHz/slowest_sync_clk
rst_processor_333MHz/ext_reset_in with CIPS_0/pl0_resetn
clk_wiz/clk_out_150 with DPUCVDX8G/ap_clk_2
clk_wiz_accel/clk_out_333 with DPUCVDX8G/ap_clk
clk_wiz_accel/clk_out_333 with DPUCVDX8G/dpu_2x_clk
clk_wiz_accel/clk_out_333 with NOC_0/aclk12
clk_wiz_accel/clk_out_333 with ai_engine_0/aclk0
rst_processor_150MHz/peripheral_aresetn with DPUCVDX8G/ap_rst_n_2
rst_processor_333MHz/peripheral_aresetn with DPUCVDX8G/ap_rst_n
rst_processor_333MHz/peripheral_aresetn with DPUCVDX8G/dpu_2x_resetn
Each operation in the block design will create a command in the Tcl Console.
Please copy this commands mannually to the post_linker.tcl (remove previous content if have) in the following directory
Enable the post_linker.tcl in Makefile and re-do the compilation to let the modification taking effects.
<$TRD_HOME>/vitis_prj$ make clean
<$TRD_HOME>/vitis_prj$ make files
<$TRD_HOME>/vitis_prj$ make all