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Getting Started

Matthew Smith edited this page Oct 15, 2023 · 2 revisions


To build and use EAC-y, you will need:

  • A C/C++ compiler e.g. gcc/g++
  • Python
  • The GNU Debugger (GDB)

It is recommended that you use Vim. To edit your code, as well as the termdebug plugin for Vim (should be part of a standard Vim installation from major distros).

Get the Files

Simply clone the repository:

git clone

Build and Install

Build all the binary target and install to /usr/local:

make all 
sudo make install 

Then configure GDB and Vim:


Test Example

NOTE: This example assumes you have Vim, and are using the EAC-y Vim plugin.

Create a new folder and in it add the following file:

FILE: test.c




#define EAC_LIB ""

EAC void foo(int x, int y)
    printf("%d\n", x + y);

int main()
        foo(10, 20);
    return 0;

Now enter <LocalLeader>ep. If you have installed EAC-y correctinly, you should see the foo block transform:

void foo(int x, int y)
{EAC_VOID_FUNC(func, EAC_WRAP(x, y))
} EAC_VOID_EXPORT(func, EAC_WRAP(int x, int y), 
    EAC_WRAP(x, y))

If this does not work for you, check the ~/.vim/plugin directory for eacy.vim. If it does not exist, then you should either:

  1. Ensure .vim/plugin exists and run ./configure as in the last section; OR

  2. Add the following to your ~/.vimrc:

     call plug#begin()
     " other plugins ...
     Plug 'DeltaBoyBZ/eacy'
     call plug#end()

    Source ~/.vimrc (possibly by restarting Vim) and then execute :PlugInstall.

Create the following Makefile:

.eac/ test.c
    mkdir -p .eac
    gcc -g -shared -fPIC test.c -o .eac/

    gcc -g -DEAC_DEBUG test.c -o test

all: test

Run make all and ensure everything builds correctly.

Start a GDB debuggin session, either in a separate terminal with,

gdb test

or inside Vim with,

:Termdebug test 

If we run the program, we get the (I assume) expected output:

(gdb) run

Interupt the execution with <C-c>. Edit the source code so that instead of,

printf("%d\n", x + y);

we have:

printf("%d\n", x * y);

Rebuild the shared libary target,

make .eac/

and execute:

(gdb) eacreload
(gdb) continue

You should see the following output:

30  # possible hold-over from original library

Congratulations! You've just performed edit and continue debugging through GDB.

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