Process result of the performance test
Supported reporters:
- html - renders basic metrics into HTML (FCP, DCL, Size, etc)
- MD - generates simple markdown report with First Contentful Paint and Largest Contentful Paint, DOM Interactive and some other metrics
- json - saves all data to json
- csv - saves all data to csv
Generates output as an HTML file. Includes:
- Performance Entries Chart (DOM Content Loaded, First Paint, First Contentful Paint, Largest Contentful Paint, DOM Interactive)
- Default Performance Metrics Chart - Layout Duration, Recalculation Style Duration, Script Duration, Task duration
- Resource Size Chart (JS, CSS ,IMG, Fonts, XHR)
- Performance Marks Chart - shows performance marks from application
Generate simple markdown report, that includes:
- Performance events - First Contentful Paint and Largest Contentful Paint
- Performance metrics DOM Interactive, Script Duration, Layout Duration, Recalculate Style metrics.
Generates output as raw JSON file
Generates output as CSV file