ElisaRMA 3/24/2021
According to the swirl website “swirl is a software package for the R programming language that turns the R console into an interactive learning environment. Users receive immediate feedback as they are guided through self-paced lessons in data science and R programming.”
More information can be found on https://swirlstats.com
Swirl can be installed using the install.packages
To install any course within swirl, load the package and then install the course
From the 5 courses within the Data Science Specialization - Foundations using R, 3 courses had its respective course on swirl. The codes used to install each one are available below.
- R Programming
install_from_swirl("R Programming")
- Getting and Cleaning Data
install_from_swirl("Getting and Cleaning Data")
- Exploratory Data Analysis
install_from_swirl("Exploratory Data Analysis")
- Statistical Inference
install_from_swirl("Statistical Inference")
- Regression Models
install_from_swirl("Regression Models")