Whenever you find have a problem with this application, feel free to upen a issue. As for naming conventions, choose a label that indicates you issue type (for example: "bug", or "enhancement", ...) and give your issue a fitting name so others can find it.
If you find a way to solve on of your problems, or that of another user, please take the time to document your solution for everyone else. Either by replying to an existing issue, or by expanding the doctumetation of this project with a pull request.
I'am open for new ideas on how to improve the project and expand its functionality. Especially, because this tool currently has a strong focus on electric vehicles and I want to provide some useful features for people with normal cars too. If there is anything you would like to track, feel free to open a feature request!
Pull requests are always welcomed! I dont have the time and ressources to implement every database type for example. If you write some interface, I'll gladly merge your code.
The same goes for improving the quality of the current code. Iam by no means a python expert just and started to hack some stuff together until it worked.