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GillesArcas edited this page Aug 22, 2017 · 5 revisions

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Setting up the development environment and compiling Drago

Write permissions and administrator mode

Depending on your configuration, you might face write permission problems when installing or using the development environment. In that case, either install Delphi7 in a place with full permissions, or install and launch Delphi in administrator mode.

Installing Delphi 7

A free version of Delphi 7 Personal Edition can be downloaded at This is a French version of the IDE. The link gives also the credentials and the walk through for installing.

Installing third part components

Download "3rd" directory from repository.

Open 3rd\TNT-TB2K-SPTBX directory and launch MultiInstaller.exe.

Select all default choices.

When asked for a folder, create for instance a "3rd" directory in your Delphi install directory.

Open 3rd\VirtualTreeView directory and launch VirtualTreeviewSetup.exe

Select all default choices.

Start Delphi and install BomeOneInstance and FloatSpinEdit with the standard procedure:

  • from menu Component (Composant), select Install components (Installer un composant)
  • push Browse button (Parcourir), open 3rd\BomeOneInstance and select BomOneInstance.pas
  • keep package as dclusr.dpk and press Ok
  • repeat with FloatSpinEdit

Installing Drago components

Apply same procedure ("Install components") for the file Components.pas in src directory.

Compiling from IDE

Create dcu directory in Drago directory:

+-- 3rd
+-- dcu
+-- ...

Launch compilation from Project and Build menu

Compiling from command line

Check Bpl directory (-U) in Drago.cfg

Launch Build-Release.bat


Make sure all directories from repositories are available (Languages, Stones, Textures).

Copy the content of the Runtime directory (dll, help files, ...) in Drago root directory (alongside executable).

Launch Drago, enjoy.

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