- Download FITS files from Camera page
- Allow to set server name (shown in Menu, Homepage and title bar)
- Sort INDI devices, groups and properties alphabetically in order to have a more consistent UI
- Fix crash when pressing Enter in INDI Profile dialogue
- Fix debayer issue
- Fix 8 bit images not properly previewed
- Instead of forcing reload of app, just warn the user if backend version != frontend version.
- Plate solving, featuring a sky map highlighting solution when found.
- Allow to edit sequence after creation (name, camera, filter wheel, directory).
- allow to stop and resume sequences.
- import/export sequences to JSON files.
- Add "Pause" sequence job, to suspend sequences (for manual refocusing, for instance).
- INDI autoconnect: connect automatically to INDI Server at startup, or when starting INDI service, and also automatically connect to devices.
- Correctly handle colour images in Camera page (debayer).
- Timelapse and groups mode: pause between shots or groups of shots in a sequence.
- Add '(copy)' suffix to duplicated sequences
- add "Exposures" card with info about total, finished and remaining shots of a sequence (number and time)
- allow to "reset" sequences to restart them, or even single sequence jobs.
- switch to INDI blob for sequences (speed/reliability improvement)
- Images database optimization
- Histogram improvements
- Add "Wait for value" checkbox to INDI property job. This way when changing a property that takes time to get to the desired value (for instance: CCD temperature) it will wait for the value to settle before going forward.
- Add min/max validation for exposure sequence item depending on camera values
- Better name for sequence files if no filter wheel is available
- Autodetect stale sequences
- Support binning in Camera page
- Add Histogram in sequence images
- Lots of minor User Experience improvements
- Block filter wheel sequence item creation if no filter wheel is defined on sequence
- Fix histogram not reloading on image changing
- improve values editing for numbers
- Fix rare backend crash when camera image changes size
- Make sure you use the new config file for nginx, to allow for big file uploads (necessary for Plate Solving)
Various UI fixes, particularly for mobile devices.
Also added the capability of running shell commands, configured by $HOME/.config/AstroPhotoPlus/commands.json
This is at the moment very useful for the Raspberry Pi image, to allow reboot, automatic updates and wifi configuration via the Settings page. Sample configuration: https://github.com/GuLinux/AstroPhotoPlus/blob/master/config/raspberry_pi/commands.json
Added an AUR package for Arch Linux
The following features are currently implemented:
- INDI server management. Start, stop, connect to INDI, select drivers to load, and save profiles for future usage.
- Sequences: exposures, filter wheel, change camera properties, and run shell command can be added to a sequence. Sequences can be copied to act as "template".
- Camera: allow to get a preview of the field of view, exposure settings, histogram, and ROI selection for focusing.
- Image browsing: you can view images shot by a sequence, preview them in your browser, or download the original FITS file.
- Raspberry pi image available