Feature of my website --> <<<<<<< HEAD
- A new user can select his role while registering in the website
- When a new user came first time in the website if he log in with gmail he became a worker
- Only Admin can change the role
- Admin can not demote another user from admin
- Worker get 10 coin and task creator get 50 coin while registering
- Task creator can purchase coin using card(test purpose)
- Worker can withdraw coin by bkash, nagad, rocked(bd payment method) {user must provide authenticate information}
- Admin can delete task
- Task creator can only accept or reject the submission
- Admin confirm the withdraw request
live site link https://work-managemnt.web.app/ server repo link: https://github.com/HIMU005/task-provider-12-server-by-himu
to run this project to your local machine use this steps
- clone the project
- use npm i command to install all the package
- create a folder named .local.env and add there (VITE_APIKEY,VITE_AUTHDOMAIN,VITE_PROJECTID,VITE_STORAGEBUCKET,VITE_MESSAGINGSENDERID,VITE_APPID) value of your own firebase config add (VITE_IMGBB_API_KEY, VITE_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY) in your .env.local with there proper value
dcbf55b (update readme.me and update register functinality)
- A new user can select his role while registering in the website
- When a new user came first time in the website if he log in with gmail he became a worker
- Only Admin can change the role
- Admin can not demote another user from admin
- Worker get 10 coin and task creator get 50 coin while registering
- Task creator can purchase coin using card(test purpose)
- Worker can withdraw coin by bkash, nagad, rocked(bd payment method) {user must provide authenticate information}
- Admin can delete task
- Task creator can only accept or reject the submission
- Admin confirm the withdraw request
live site link https://work-managemnt.web.app/ server repo link: https://github.com/HIMU005/task-provider-12-server-by-himu
to run this project to your local machine use this steps
- clone the project
- use npm i command to install all the package
- create a folder named .local.env and add there (VITE_APIKEY,VITE_AUTHDOMAIN,VITE_PROJECTID,VITE_STORAGEBUCKET,VITE_MESSAGINGSENDERID,VITE_APPID) value of your own firebase config add (VITE_IMGBB_API_KEY, VITE_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY) in your .env.local with there proper value