You'll never find my flag.
Format : Hero{flag}
Author : SoEasY
- fatBoy
We can notice that this file is a universal mach-o, which means that it can be runned on multiple architectures. To do this, a version per architecture is stored in the binary and the version corresponding of your architecture will be launched at runtime.
The encryption algorithm is a simple Vigenere with a ROT1 cipher. The key unxored at the begining of the encryption function.
After solving the challenge in x86_64, we find the flag "Hero{IMSORRYBUTTHISISNOTTHEFLAG}" with the key "BESTRONG", and we have to reverse the ARM version to find the good flag which is "Hero{WTFISTHISFUCKINGFILEFORMAT}" with the key "FATMACHO".
We first need to apply a minus one on the encrypted result expected and then decode it as vinegere with the unxoreed key.
Python 3.9.2 (default, Mar 15 2021, 17:37:51)
[Clang 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)] on darwin
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>>> new = ""
>>> for i in str:
... new += chr(ord(i)-1)
>>> new