BankRupst is a bank operating in bankruptcy where no laws are applicable.
Build: cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release
Format : Hero{flag}
Author : ghizmo
- chall
- no break in exit option, leading to UAF
- 1, 2-100 (13x), 6, 1, 2-100, 4
The source code is provided and shows that everything is unsafe.
- Insert BankRupst card
- Deposit
- Withdraw
- Check Balance
- Remove BankRupst card
- Exit
Option 1 allocates a BankAccount. Option 2 allows for deposits. Option 3 allows for withdrawals. Option 4 checks the bank balance; if the balance is over 1337 we get the flag. Option 5 removes the card. Option 6 is for quitting.
However, option 6 does not have a break if the card is still inserted. Moreover, we see that the deallocation logic between options 5 and 6 is different. It therefore seems interesting to look into this aspect.
Option 5:
if opened {
(*account).balance = 0;
(*account).deposits = 0;
opened = false;
println!("BankRupst card removed.");
} else {
println!("You must insert your BankRupst card!");
Option 6:
if opened {
(*account).balance = 0;
(*account).deposits = 0;
let layout = Layout::new::<BankAccount>();
dealloc(account as *mut u8, layout);
account = ptr::null_mut();
opened = false;
println!("Thank you for using BankRupst!");
} else {
println!("Thank you for using BankRupst!");
In option 6 we can see an UAF, and the program continues since there is not exit. So we can alloc again with option 1 and continue deposit to get the flag.
2-100 (13 times)