ORD Stormwater Management Model (aka "SWMM")
This is the open source SWMM source code repository maintained by Ingeniousware GmbH. It is mainly oriented (but not limited) to add/extend toolkit capabilities to the SWMM code. This repository includes a solution intended for Visual Studio developers. A c# wrapper of the toolkit is not included here because it has been developed in a different project https://github.com/Ingeniousware/swmm5.net
SWMM is a dynamic hydrology-hydraulic water quality simulation model. It is used for single event or long-term (continuous) simulation of runoff quantity and quality from primarily urban areas. SWMM source code is written in the C Programming Language and released in the Public Domain.
This code respository has been forked from the SWMM source code repository maintained by the Open Water Analytics group.
For support regarding this code or any further extensions do not hesitate in contacting us: contact@ingeniousware.net