Provide helpers (react hooks, utily function, ...) to manipulate jahia datas
yarn add @jahia/data-helper
@jahia/data-helper include graphql fragment to reduce the size of the graphql queries and help you with mandatory field to update apollo cache.
You can use it like this:
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import {PredefinedFragments} from '@jahia/data-helper';
export const ContentPickerFilledQuery = gql`
query contentPickerFilledQuery($uuid: String!, $language: String!, $needToFetch: Boolean!) {
jcr @include(if: $needToFetch) {
result: nodeById(uuid: $uuid) {
displayName(language: $language)
primaryNodeType {
displayName(language: $language)
👤 Jahia
- Website:
- Twitter: @Jahia
- Github: @Jahia
- LinkedIn: @Jahia
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This project is SEE LICENSE IN ../../LICENSE.txt FILE licensed.
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