is a simple but fast probabilistic data matching package developed by NYULH HEAL Lab.- The package is best optimized for matching healthcare database (e.g. EHR) as it has designed to link Medicaid and Client Database System data.
Splink package
is extensively being used to run core linkage processes.- Currently, the model supports 4 variables (
,date of birth
,last 4 digits of ssn
, andfirst 2 letters of last name
) to run the linkage process.
pip install healmatcher
# Install package
!pip install healmatcher
# Load package
from healmatcher import hm
# create example dataset
testa = pd.DataFrame({
testb = pd.DataFrame({
# Run matching
df_a = testa,
df_b = testb,
match_prob_threshold = 0.001,
iteration = 20,
model2 = True,
blocking_rule_for_training_input = 'PROVIDER_NUMBER',
onetoone = True,
match_summary = True
: Load pre-trained model to run matchingsave_model_path = PATH
: add path to load a model (json format)export_model=True
: argument to save current modelexport_model_path=PATH
: add path to save current model
- Please visit our repo if you have any questions.