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239 lines (206 loc) · 9.11 KB

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Library Information

Library Name

- This field is required
- No special characters, just letters, numbers and "_". must start with a letter.
As you may be already guessed, this is the name of the library. This name is used for the Cmake Build targets. It is also used to generate the names of the template header files. If you call your Project "Logger", you would have to include the "Logger.h" header file in your project that uses the library.

Namespace Name

- This field is required
- No special characters, just letters, numbers and "_". must start with a letter.
Your entire library shuld be encapsulated inside a namespace that will have the name you put here.

Export macro

- This field is required
- No special characters, just upper case letters, numbers and "_". must start with a letter.
This parameter represents the export macro for your library. You must not write the "_EXPORT" ending of the name. Only write "LOGGER".

	#pragma message("LOGGER_LIB is a shared library")
	#if defined(LOGGER_LIB)
		#define LOGGER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
		#define LOGGER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
	#pragma message("LOGGER_LIB is a static library")

Library name short macro

- This field is required
- No special characters, just upper case letters, numbers and "_". must start with a letter.
This is a shorter form of the library name, used for special macros inside the library. You can also type the same thing as you wrote in the Export Macro section but it is sometimes nice to have a shorter form because the macro names can sometimes become very long. For example:

// Defined in Logger_global.h
#define LOGGER_UNUSED(x) (void)x; 

// Defined in Logger_debug.h
// Debugging
#ifdef NDEBUG
	#define LOGGER_CONSOLE(msg)
	#include <iostream>

	#define LOGGER_CONSOLE_STREAM std::cout


There are some more examples where the short form is used. You can read about that in detail in the documentation of the template library.


Here you can put in the version of your library.
You also can change this parameter in code.
versionMajor <=> Field on the left
versionMinor <=> Field in the middle
versionPatch <=> Field on the right
The values get put in the file: Logger_info.h:

namespace Log
    class LOGGER_EXPORT LibraryInfo
	    LibraryInfo() = delete;
	    LibraryInfo(const LibraryInfo&) = delete;
	    // Current version of the library
	    static constexpr int versionMajor				= 0;
	    static constexpr int versionMinor				= 0;
	    static constexpr int versionPatch				= 0;

Author, Mail, Website, License

- These fields are not required
Here you can put any string.
You also can change this parameters in code.
The values get put in the file: Logger_info.h:

namespace Log
    class LOGGER_EXPORT LibraryInfo
        static constexpr const char* name       = "Logger";
        static constexpr const char* author     = "Your Name";
        static constexpr const char* email      = "";
        static constexpr const char* website	= "";
        static constexpr const char* license	= "MIT";

Cmake Settings

LIB define

This is a macro definition that is only active for building the library.
This will switch the export/import of the library dll.
Used in Logger_global.h

#if defined(LOGGER_LIB)
	#define LOGGER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
	#define LOGGER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)


This is a macro definition that is only active if the configuration in Visual Studio is swithced to debug/release-profile. If this macro is defined, Profiling using the easy_profiler library is enabled. To use the profiler functionality, add the easy_profiler dependency.
Used in Logger_debug.h

    #include "easy/profiler.h"
    #include <easy/arbitrary_value.h> // EASY_VALUE, EASY_ARRAY are defined here

    #define LOGGER_PROFILING_BLOCK_C(text, color) EASY_BLOCK(text, color)
    #define LOGGER_PROFILING_BLOCK(text, colorStage) LOGGER_PROFILING_BLOCK_C(text,profiler::colors::  colorStage)
    #define LOGGER_PROFILING_NONSCOPED_BLOCK(text, colorStage) LOGGER_PROFILING_NONSCOPED_BLOCK_C(text,profiler::colors::  colorStage)
    #define LOGGER_PROFILING_FUNCTION(colorStage) LOGGER_PROFILING_FUNCTION_C(profiler::colors:: colorStage)

    #define LOGGER_PROFILING_VALUE(name, value) EASY_VALUE(name, value)
    #define LOGGER_PROFILING_TEXT(name, value) EASY_TEXT(name, value)

    // Disable all profiling macros
    #define LOGGER_PROFILING_BLOCK_C(text, color)
    #define LOGGER_PROFILING_BLOCK(text, colorStage)
    #define LOGGER_PROFILING_NONSCOPED_BLOCK(text, colorStage)
    #define LOGGER_PROFILING_FUNCTION(colorStage)

    #define LOGGER_PROFILING_VALUE(name, value)
    #define LOGGER_PROFILING_TEXT(name, value)

QT enabled

If the library you create uses some QT5 dependencies, you have to check that checkbox.

QT deploy

If you want to deploy your exe files in the example/unitTest folder using windeployqt.exe, then check this checkbox. Using the deployment allows you to start a Qt application from within Visual Studio. The QT Creator would not need to have the QT dll's in the same folder as the executable because it already knows where to find the dll's. This is not true for Visual Studio, so deployment is needed to copy all needed resources from Qt to the binary folder.
If you create a clean build, you have to install your compiled binary first, to be able to run the application.
Install: Go to Visual Studio -> Build->"Logger Install"
This will trigger the deployment.

QT Modules

QT Modules

If your library uses QT you may wan't to specify which modules are required.
You can select the modules you need.
Core and Widgets are the most common used modules.
If you need a module that is not in this list, you can add it manually to the file:

# Needed QT modules                             # <AUTO_REPLACED> 

It would be nice to contact me so I can add any missing modules to the repo where the list from the UI gets generated from.



If you want to use some external libraries, you can select them here. easy_profiler is required to be able to build a library that uses the profiler. If you don't want to profile your library, you don't need the dependency.

Your desired library is not available? Click here to learn how to add custom dependencies

Filename postfix

The postfixes are added to the filename of the library binary. For example: - Debug builds will have the postfix -d: Logger-d.lib - For the static build with Debug info: Logger-s-d.lib - For the static build with Debug and profiling enabled: Logger-s-p-d.lib

The same for the dll files.

C++ Standard

Defines which c++ standard you want to use for building the library.

Compile examples

If not set, cmake will not include the directory Examples in its build process.

Compile unittests

If not set, cmake will not include the directory UnitTests in its build process.