This application was developed using Visual Studio 2022. To minimize any problems I recommend you to also use Visual Studio.
- CMake 3.20 or higher
- c++14 or higher
- QT 5.15.x (May also work with versions 5.x.x, but this is not tested) Used QT modules: - Core - Widgets
It is recommended to use Visual Studio, since this is the development enviroment used to create this project. To edit QT-Widgets, the Visual Studio plugin is a great addon.
- Open the Project as CMake Project.
- Let CMake download the dependencies.
- Select the CmakeLibCreator.exe from the start target and press build.
The binary will be created in the location: ./build The application automaticly gets deployed using windeployqt.exe to that location.
The QtLocator.cmake file, located in ./cmake will automaticly try to find the newest QT5 version installed. If it can't find any installation, check the following:
- Is QT5 installed?
- QT installation path: C:\Qt\5.x.x
Some Cmake errors can be resolved by generating the Cmake cache from scratch. To do so, go to Visual Studio -> Project->"Clear cache and reconfigure"