Bellow you can find some common erros working with a project, using this themplate. If your problem is not listed here, please contact me for support.
Problems related to CMake can be found here
No QT installation was found.CTRL+F Keywords:
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5" with any of the following names Qt5Config.cmake qt5-config. make find_package By not providing "FindQt5.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5", but CMake did not find one.
- Check if QT is installed
- Check the path of the QT installation by default, the installation path shuld be C:\Qt. If Qt is installed in an other path, open the root CMakeLists.txt file and change the setting:
set_if_not_defined(QT_INSTALL_BASE "C:/PathToQt")
If you se any error related to FetchContent.cmake, means that CMake has problems to download the dependencies. Sometimes this error pops up and goes away after trying to delete the CMake cashe and reconfigure multiple times.
Fehler CMake Error at cmake/QtLocator.cmake:73 (message):
Can't find QT installation. Path: C:/Qt/5.1.1 does not exist
The required Qt version is not installed.
Install the required version or change the required version in the root CMakeLists.txt to a version you have installed or to "autoFind".
Click here for more infos
Some CMake problems are difficult to tackle, some of them are strange. If I encounter such problems, i do the following steps. If one step does not work, go to the next step.
Try to reconfigure the CMake cache
Deleting the CMake cache manually Go to your Projects main folder and delete all folders which are marked with the orange box. You may need to close Visual Studio to do so. After you deleted the folders, go back to Visual Studio and reconfigure the Project Project->Configure cache
CTRL+F Keywords:
Qt5Cored.dll Qt5Core.dll crash install
If you run an executable of your library and encounter any popup that informs you that some Qt dll's are missing, you have to run the installation process.
If Visual studio doesn't let you reconfigure the project and you also can't run your executables, deleting the .vs folder in your projects root directory may help. You have to close Visual Studio to delete the folder.