Thank you for your interest in contributing to KEGOMODORO! We welcome contributions from the community and appreciate your help in making this project better. Please follow the guidelines below to ensure a smooth and effective contribution process.
Fork the Repository
Start by forking the KEGOMODORO repository on GitHub. This will create your own copy of the repository where you can make changes without affecting the original project.
Clone Your Fork
Clone your forked repository to your local machine:
git clone
Create a New Branch
Create a new branch for your changes. Use a descriptive name for your branch to indicate the nature of your contribution:
git checkout -b my-feature-branch
Make Your Changes
Make the necessary changes or additions to the codebase. Be sure to follow the existing code style and conventions used in the project.
Test Your Changes
Test your changes to ensure they work as expected and do not introduce new bugs. If applicable, add tests to cover your new code.
Commit Your Changes
Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message:
git add . git commit -m "Add a descriptive commit message"
Push Your Changes
Push your changes to your forked repository:
git push origin my-feature-branch
Create a Pull Request
Go to the KEGOMODORO repository on GitHub and create a pull request (PR) from your branch. Provide a clear description of what your PR does and why it is needed.
- Describe Your Changes: Clearly explain what changes you have made and why they are necessary.
- Link to Issues: If your PR addresses a specific issue, link to that issue in your PR description.
- Include Tests: Include tests for any new features or bug fixes if applicable.
- Follow Code Style: Ensure your code adheres to the project's coding standards and style guidelines.
- Be Respectful: Be respectful and constructive in your communication with other contributors and reviewers.
If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on the GitHub Issues page. Provide as much detail as possible to help us understand and address the problem.
Please adhere to our Code of Conduct while interacting with the project community.
Thank you for contributing to KEGOMODORO!