Date: January 16th, 2024
- Shared some API websites with my classmates to pick one for our project... In the end we choose YouTube API.
Date: January 19th, 2024
- Worked on a template for the proposal aand share it with my classmates.
Date: January 20th, 2024
- We meet at the library and work 2 hours refining the proposal and discussing useful functionalities for our project.
Date: January 25th, 2024
- Our partner Karthiga explained us how to create a project in RStudio and tied it with Git and GitHub.
- We discuss about the wrapping functions and split the work evenly.
- I created my firts wrapping function call "get_channel_stats" to retrieve information about the channel.
Date: January 30th, 2024
I created the following R files:
- display_individual_channel_stats.R: Functionality to display a table with the statistics for one channel.
- channel_comparator_plots.R: Auxiliary piece of code that contains the function to create the plots for comparing 2 or more channels (4 bar plots and 1 bubble plot).
- channel_comparator_summarizer.R: Functionality that calls get_channel_stats and channel_comparator_plots and display the plots for comparing 2 or more channels.
Recorded a video to explain how to call the wrapping/auxiliary functions within a R file to display the functionalities (a summary table and plots for the comparison of channels).
Date: February 1st, 2024
- Running the check process from Build -> Check in RStudio.
- Troubleshooting with my team members in the class hour.
- Modifying the Roxygen documentation for every function to provide all the information requiered for running the examples within each one, as this was generating errors in the checking process.
- Modifying the description file to add the libraries and dependencies from my wrapping functions and functionalities.
- Modifying the code from the display_individual_channel_stats.R to encapsule it in a function.
Date: February 4th, 2024
- Work on the tests for my wrapping function and functionalities (12 tests overall).
Date: February 5th, 2024
- Meeting with my team in the commons to work in the documentation: README, vignette, contributions.
Date: February 6th, 2024
- We test loading the package and running the functionalities, both Karthiga's and mine works well but Andrew's funtionalities were missing.
- I added the figures for my plots and link with the README file.
- I added an overview in the contributions file.
Date: February 7th, 2024
- We meet in the classroom, we discuss the slides structure and pick the plots and information for the presentation.
- Creation of the slides on Canva for the presentation.
- I prepare my pich for presentation.
Date: February 8th, 2024
- We present our project, even though some technical issues and that I forgot most of my pitch, I think we overcome the problems.
- I add the .yml file on GitHub actions for Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD), after some failed attemps it works fine!
- I add the passing badge for CI/CD on the README file.
Thank you for reading the journal!