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Ali Rıza KESKİN edited this page Dec 14, 2019 · 16 revisions

Installing screenFetch

From source

  1. Download the latest source at wget -O screenfetch-dev
  2. In a terminal, make the file executable by doing the following: chmod +x screenfetch-dev
  3. Then, either keep it there, or move it to somewhere in your $PATH to make it available without having to use the full path to the script.

From distribution-specific packages


  1. inary it bc
  2. busybox wget -O screenfetch-dev
  3. install screenfetch-dev /usr/bin/screenfetch

Arch Linux

  1. Install screenfetch from the official repositories or screenfetch-git from the AUR. That's it!

blackPanther OS

  1. Install screenfetch from the official repositories, e.g.: installing screenfetch


  1. Requires Developer Mode to be enabled. Instructions to enable it and enter the CLI are here -
  2. Download the executable file and put it under the /usr/local/bin/ directory: curl -L > /usr/local/bin/screenfetch-dev
  3. Make the file executable by doing the following: chmod +x /usr/local/bin/screenfetch-dev

Crux Linux

  1. Install screenfetch from either 6c37/crux-ports or 6c37/crux-ports-git.


  1. Install it with dnf running: dnf install screenfetch


  1. Install screenfetch using the ports system: cd /usr/ports/sysutils/screenfetch/ && make install clean
  2. Install screenfetch as a binary package: pkg install screenFetch
  3. Make sure fdescfs(5) and procfs(5) are mounted, they're required by bash(1).

Alternative installation for systems not needing X11 support:

  1. Install screenfetch-nox11 using the ports system: cd /usr/ports/sysutils/screenfetch-nox11/ && make install clean
  2. Install screenfetch as a binary package: pkg install screenFetch-nox11
  3. Make sure fdescfs(5) and procfs(5) are mounted, they're required by bash(1).


  1. Installation: dnf install screenfetch

Gentoo or Sabayon

  1. Emerge screenfetch from portage using emerge app-misc/screenfetch
  2. Sabayon users can install screenfetch from entropy using equo install screenfetch


  1. Install screenfetch from the official repositories with octopi or pacman. e.g.: pacman -S screenfetch


  1. Run brew install screenfetch after installing Homebrew


  1. Install screenfetch from the official repositories with urpmi or rpmdrake. e.g.: urpmi screenfetch


  1. Install screenfetch from the official repositories: pacman -S screenfetch

Netrunner Rolling

  1. Install screenfetch-netrunner from the official repositories.


  1. If using 13.2 or earlier, add "utilities" repo: zypper ar -r$(lsb_release -rs)/utilities.repo
  2. Install it with zypper running: zypper install screenfetch


  1. Install screenfetch from the official repositories by running eopkg install screenfetch

Ubuntu and Debian

  1. Install from the official repositories: apt install screenfetch
  2. There is also a PPA for Ubuntu located at
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