In this demo you will explore a few different APIs available to you in the SharePoint Framework that are useful in many scenarios.
- Open the web part project from the first exercise.
- Remove the gulp serve configurations you created in the previous exercise:
- Locate and open the config/serve.json file.
- Locate the section
and remove it. - Save you changes and close the file.
Locate the web part file src/webparts/helloWorld/HelloWorldWebPart.ts.
At the top of the file, locate the following line:
import { Version } from '@microsoft/sp-core-library';
Update this line to the following to import a few additional objects and enumerations into the file:
import { Version, DisplayMode, Environment, EnvironmentType } from '@microsoft/sp-core-library';
Now locate the
method and add the following two lines to the top of it, right after the method declaration:const pageMode : string = (this.displayMode === DisplayMode.Edit) ? 'You are in edit mode' : 'You are in read mode'; const environmentType : string = (Environment.type === EnvironmentType.Local) ? 'You are in local environment' : 'You are in SharePoint environment';
These two lines determine the current mode of the page and environment the web part is running in. These can prove to be useful for the web part to render either mock data in the case of running in the local web server or real SharePoint data from a SharePoint list if you are running the web part in a SharePoint environment such as the hosted workbench or in a real SharePoint page.
Display the values in these two members by adding the following two lines to the HTML that is added to the
element that contains the rendered web part. Add these lines just after the Welcome to SharePoint message:<p class="${ styles.subTitle }"><strong>Page mode:</strong> ${ pageMode }</p> <p class="${ styles.subTitle }"><strong>Environment:</strong> ${ environmentType }</p>
Let's test the web part to see what we get. Start the local web server using the provided gulp serve task:
gulp serve --nobrowser
When the browser loads the local workbench, add the web part to he page. Notice the values of the page mode & environment type:
Now, open a new browser tab and navigate to one of your SharePoint Online sites and append the following to the end of the root site's URL: /_layouts/workbench.aspx.
Add the web part to the page.
Notice the values of the page mode & environment type:
The SharePoint Framework also provides a way log messages to the console with additional information than the traditional console.log()
method provides.
Locate the web part file src/webparts/helloWorld/HelloWorldWebPart.ts.
At the top of the web part file, locate the following lines:
import { Version, DisplayMode, Environment, EnvironmentType } from '@microsoft/sp-core-library';
Add an additional reference to
the existing list so it looks like this:import { Version, DisplayMode, Environment, EnvironmentType, Log } from '@microsoft/sp-core-library';
Add the following lines to the end of the
method, immediately before it closes. These will look different messages to the browser's console'HelloWorld', 'message', this.context.serviceScope); Log.warn('HelloWorld', 'WARNING message', this.context.serviceScope); Log.error('HelloWorld', new Error('Error message'), this.context.serviceScope); Log.verbose('HelloWorld', 'VERBOSE message', this.context.serviceScope);
Go back to the browser and open your browser's developer tools.
Open the Console tab (it may have a slightly different name depending on the browser you are using).
There will be a lot of messages logged to the console, so use the filter technique to filter based on the name of your web part, HelloWorld.
Notice in the following image that each message is prefixed with the unique name of the web part.
At times your web part may have a number of calculations to perform or have a delay in fetching data before it renders the first time. Thankfully the SharePoint Framework provides an API you can use to address this.
Locate the web part file src/webparts/helloWorld/HelloWorldWebPart.ts.
Locate the following line in the
method:this.domElement.innerHTML = `
Add the following lines just before the
line:this.context.statusRenderer.displayLoadingIndicator(this.domElement, "message"); setTimeout(() => { this.context.statusRenderer.clearLoadingIndicator(this.domElement);
Locate the closing quote for the HTML written to the web part's
Add the following line just after the above line:
}, 5000);
The code you just added displays the string message in a loading indicator for 5 seconds before clearing it out and writing HTML to the page.
The resulting code should look similar to this:
public render(): void { const pageMode : string = this.displayMode === DisplayMode.Edit ? 'You are in edit mode' : 'You are in read mode'; const environmentType : string = Environment.type === EnvironmentType.Local ? 'You are in local environment' : 'You are in sharepoint environment'; this.context.statusRenderer.displayLoadingIndicator(this.domElement, "message"); setTimeout(() => { this.context.statusRenderer.clearLoadingIndicator(this.domElement); this.domElement.innerHTML = ` <div class="${ styles.helloWorld }"> <div class="${ styles.container }"> <div class="${ styles.row }"> <div class="${ styles.column }"> <span class="${ styles.title }">Welcome to SharePoint!</span> <p class="${ styles.subTitle }"><strong>Page mode:</strong> ${ pageMode }</p> <p class="${ styles.subTitle }"><strong>Environment:</strong> ${ environmentType }</p> <p class="${ styles.description }">${escape(}</p> <a href="#" class="${ styles.button }"> <span class="${ styles.label }">Learn more</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div>`; }, 5000); this.domElement.getElementsByClassName(`${ styles.button }`)[0] .addEventListener('click', (event: any) => { event.preventDefault(); alert('Welcome to the SharePoint Framework!'); });'HelloWorld', 'message', this.context.serviceScope); Log.warn('HelloWorld', 'WARNING message', this.context.serviceScope); Log.error('HelloWorld', new Error('Error message'), this.context.serviceScope); Log.verbose('HelloWorld', 'VERBOSE message', this.context.serviceScope); }
Go back to the browser and if it hasn't reloaded, refresh the page.
When the web part initially loads, it displays the loading message:
After five (5) seconds, notice the web part is rendered as it was before because the timeout concludes.
Close the browser and stop the local web server by pressing CTRL+C in the command prompt.